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Exporting to different file formats


Exporting to different file formats

Good Morning Gurus.

I have a customer that is requesting an assembly file from us. But my boss does not want to send anydetailed information other than the outer shell. What is the best, easiest, or simplist way to create an outer shell of the assembly? This shell cannot contain any interior component surfaces, passages, etc. Now here is the catch. The customer wants this file to be a solid model. I have tried everything I know to try, and I am lost now. Can anybody out there help?

I am using WF2.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Create a simplified rep (ex. simple) and exclude the features that you
don't want to be in the model. Then export the "simple" rep as a step or
iges file.

Hope this helps,
Arnold Collett

Or even better, create solid shrinkwrap model (File > Save a Copy > Shrinkwrap).

I agree with Arnold.

Also ask the Customer what software they use then go to
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