// // Integrity Manager Scheduled Based Trigger //

// This script is used to process incoming e-mail messages from specific addresses. //

// @param String Sweep Name // A Name used to turn the sweep on and off in the env.properties. // @param String Production Mail Host // The Production Mail Server Name // @param String Production Mail Login // The Production Mail Server Login domain/user id if blank will be pulled from env.properties // @param String Production Mail Password // The Production Mail Server Password if blank will be pulled from env.properties // @param String Production Mail Mailbox // The Production Mail Server Mailbox - Example: INBOX // @param String Production Mail Error Mailbox Example: INBOX // The Production Mail Server Error Mailbox (imap ONLY) // @param String Production Mail Store Type // The Production Mail Server Store Type imap or pop3 or pop3s // @param String Staging Mail Host // The Staging Mail Server Name // @param String Staging Mail Login // The Staging Mail Server Login domain/user id if blank will be pulled from env.properties // @param String Staging Mail Password // The Staging Mail Server Password if blank will be pulled from env.properties // @param String Staging Mail Mailbox // The Staging Mail Server Mailbox - Example: INBOX // @param String Staging Mail Error Mailbox // The Staging Mail Server Error Mailbox (imap only) // @param String Staging Mail Store Type // The Staging Mail Server Store Type imap or pop3 or pop3s // @param String Empty Subject Override // Used to substitute empty subject lines default text // @param TypeList Mapping Item Type // What Type of item request is to be created // @param Field Mapping Subject // Email subject line to map to what field example summary // @param String Mapping User Defined // Used to provide name value pairs to supply static data on item creation. Example: FieldName=Value,FieldName2=Value // @param String User Defined Outer Delimiter // Used to control the delimiter for User Defined Mapping between each field. Example: , to // @param String User Defined Inner Delimiter // Used to control the delimiter for User Defined Mapping to assign the value to field. Example: = // @param String Email Filter // Comma delimited list of email addresses to process. All addresses will be used if left blank to limit what emails would be processed better to use the mail rules. // @param Field Mapping From Email // From email address // @param Field Mapping From Name // From sender email split away at the domain marker symbol // @param Field Mapping From Name Failover // If sender name is blank then use this default name for the from email name value // @param Field Mapping Body // This field will be loaded with as much of the email body as possible the overflow will go in to attachment // @param Field Mapping To Email // This is the field to hold the full email address that the email was sent to // @param Field Mapping To Name // This is field to hold the name parsed from the email address that the email was sent to // @param Field Mapping To Name Failover // This is the field to hold the to email address when the to email address is missing. // @param Field Mapping CC // This the cc email address that came in on the email // @param Field Mapping All // All Fields of the email combined i.e. the entire email is embedded in this field most likely the for for Detail Description // @param Field:attachment Mapping Attachments // The field to be used for this types attachment field i.e. attachments contained in the email are attached to this field // @param Field:relationship Mapping Related Field // The field to be used for this types relationship to indicated which field is used for relationships // @param Field Update Item Logging Field // The field to be used for this types field update/replacement based upon the type of field can not be multiple values or rich text type. best use is logging field // @param String Error Re Send Pause Minutes // Prevents multiple mail messages within the specified minutes (pop3 or pop3s only) // @param String Error From Email // email address to be used to send email from when there is an error in the process // @param String Error To Email // email address to be used to send email to when there is an error in the process // @param String Error Subject // email subject line to indicate that an error was in countered during the process // to support debug of mail.jar process // import javax.mail.Address; // Global bean initialization var eb = bsf.lookupBean("siEnvironmentBean"); var sb = bsf.lookupBean("imServerBean"); var params = bsf.lookupBean("parametersBean"); var delta = bsf.lookupBean("imIssueDeltaBean"); // the regular expression used to match related item id's in the function getRelationshipStringFromEmail // the first slash means the beginning of the test expression // the : means matches the character : literally (case sensitive) the \d means matches a digit(equal to [0-9] {1,} quantifier matches between 1 and unlimited time, as many times as possible, giving back as needed // this process is looking for number's perfixed with a DT to relate back to program change requests var testForRelatedIdInSubject = new RegExp(/DT\d{1,}|:\d{1,}/); // var testForValidIncidentTicketToUpdate = RegExp(/Incident\d{6,6}/); // var host; var username; var password; var activeserver; var sweepConfig; var mailbox; var errormailbox; var tempdirectory; var emptySubjectOverride; var newItemSubject; var newItemUserDefined; var newItemFromEmail; var newItemFromName; var newItemFromNameFailover; var newItemBody; var newItemToEmail; var newItemCC; var newItemToName; var newItemToNameFailover; var newItemAll; var newItemAttachments; var messageContent; var errorEmailDelayMinutes; var errorEmailFromAddress; var errorEmailToAddress; var errorEmailSubject; var newItemItemType; var relatedItemLinkField; var delimiterOuter; var delimiterInner; var storetype; var apiBean; var issuesCommand; var listofAttachments; var listofContent; var emailFilter; var sweepName; var FirstName var UpdateItemField var emailbody try { main(); } catch (ex) { print("catch"); abort("emailCheckThenSubmit failed main try catch - " + ex.toString()); } function main() { initParams(); printParams(); if (activeserver == "production" || activeserver == "staging") { cleanTempDirectory(); processMail(); } else { print("No server set as activeserver. sweep will not process email."); } } function processMail() { print("Begin function ProcessMail"); var Flags = Packages.javax.mail.Flags; var folder = Packages.javax.mail.Folder; var messages = Packages.javax.mail.Message; var jmail_props = new java.util.Properties(); // empty props var session = Packages.javax.mail.Session.getDefaultInstance(jmail_props, null); // get session var jmail_store = Packages.javax.mail.Store; // Get the store jmail_store = session.getStore(storetype); jmail_store.connect(host, username, password); folder = jmail_store.getDefaultFolder(); folder = folder.getFolder(mailbox); print("folder " + folder); folder.open(Packages.javax.mail.Folder.READ_WRITE); print("Mail box opened "); messages = folder.getMessages(); print("This is the number of messages to be processed: " + messages.length); apiBean = eb.createAPISessionBean(); var popErrorMessage = ""; for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { var fromAddress = messages[i].getFrom()[0].getAddress(); print("email fromAddress " + fromAddress); var fromSubject = messages[i].getSubject(); print("email fromSubject " + fromSubject); if (null == messages[i].getAllRecipients()) { print("Null email"); var recipientemail = "Help@summitholdings.com"; } else { var recipientemail = messages[i].getAllRecipients()[0].getAddress().toLowerCase(); //first email address in the To: section } print("this is the recipientemail " + recipientemail); try { var isValid = true; print("email filter variable i.e. list of email address to be processed " + emailFilter); if (null != emailFilter && emailFilter.trim() != "") { isValid = false; var validEmailList = emailFilter.split(","); for (var z = 0; z < validEmailList.length; z++) { for (var x = 0; x < messages[i].getAllRecipients().length; x++) { var testToMail = messages[i].getAllRecipients()[x].getAddress().toLowerCase(); print("testing email from : " + testToMail + " against filter of : " + validEmailList[z]); if (validEmailList[z].equalsIgnoreCase(testToMail)) { recipientemail = testToMail; isValid = true; break; } } } } print("isValid " + isValid); if (isValid) { processMessageAPI(messages[i]); messages[i].setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); // added this function call to print details of email printMessageDetails(messages[i], i, messages.length); } else { print("NOT a valid email for this sweep "); } } catch (ex) { print("ERROR PROCESSING EMAIL SWEEP : " + ex); try { popErrorMessage = popErrorMessage.concat("Unable to Process Message From: " + fromAddress + "
"); popErrorMessage = popErrorMessage.concat("Subject: " + fromSubject + "
"); popErrorMessage = popErrorMessage.concat("Error Message: " + ex.message + "

"); if (storetype == "imap") { moveErrorMessage(jmail_store, messages[i], fromSubject); handleErrorMessageIMAP(errorEmailSubject, popErrorMessage); popErrorMessage = ""; } } catch (ie) { print("ERROR PROCESSING EMAIL ALERT : " + ie); } } } if ((storetype == "pop3" || storetype == "pop3s") && popErrorMessage != "") { try { handleErrorMessagePOP(errorEmailSubject, popErrorMessage); } catch (hemex) { } } folder.close(true); jmail_store.close(); } function processMessageAPI(message) { print("Begin function processMessageAPI 254"); listofAttachments = new java.util.ArrayList(); listofContent = new java.util.ArrayList(); var senderemail = message.getFrom()[0].getAddress(); //Get email components var sentdate = message.getSentDate(); //sent date var recipientemail = message.getAllRecipients()[0].getAddress().toLowerCase(); //first email address in the To: section var cc = message.getRecipients(Packages.javax.mail.Message.RecipientType.CC); var emailsubject = message.getSubject(); //email subject var allrecipients = message.getAllRecipients(); //all recipients email address var contenttype = Packages.javax.mail.internet.ContentType; var ct = contenttype(message.getContentType()); messageContent = ""; print("ct.getPrimaryType 260: " + ct.getPrimaryType()); if (ct.getPrimaryType().equals("multipart")) {processMultPartMessage(message);} else {processBasicMessage(message, ct);} // check to see if this is an update for Incident ticket by checking for an embeded number in the subject line var UpdateItemId = getUpdateIncidentNumberFromEmail(emailsubject); // valid item id for update found then update the item field on the Incident ticket if (isValidItemId(UpdateItemId)) {UpdateIncidentTicket(UpdateItemId); return; } // create new item createItemAPI(senderemail, sentdate, recipientemail, emailsubject, allrecipients, cc); } function createItemAPI(senderemail, sentdate, recipientemail, emailsubject, allrecipients, cc) { print("Start function createItemAPI 273: "); issuesCommand = new Packages.com.mks.api.Command("im", "createissue"); issuesCommand.addOption(new Packages.com.mks.api.Option("type", newItemItemType)); if ((emailsubject == null) || (emailsubject == "")) emailsubject = emptySubjectOverride; setEmailFields(senderemail, sentdate, recipientemail, emailsubject, allrecipients, cc); setUserDefinedFields(); for (var k = 0; k < listofAttachments.size(); k++) addAttachment(listofAttachments.get(k)); var response = apiBean.executeCmd(issuesCommand); var result = response.getResult(); var relatedItemId = getRelationshipStringFromEmail(emailsubject); var newItemId = result.getMessage().replaceAll("Created " + newItemItemType + " ", ""); print('newItemId 299: ' + newItemId); if (isValidItemId(relatedItemId)) addRelatedItem(newItemId, relatedItemId); return } function setItemFieldValue(field, value) { if (null != field && field.trim() != "" && null != value && value != "") { issuesCommand.addOption(new Packages.com.mks.api.Option("field", field + "=" + value)); } } function addAttachment(attachname) { print("Add the email attachments addAttachment : " + attachname); try { var filename = tempdirectory + "/".concat(attachname); var filelookup = new java.io.File(filename); print("the attachment filename 305: " + filename); // check if file exists var chkforfile = filelookup.exists(); var attachsize = filelookup.length(); if (attachsize != null && attachsize > 0 && attachsize < 64000000 && chkforfile != false) { print("attaching 312: " + filename + "----to----" + newItemAttachments); issuesCommand.addOption(new Packages.com.mks.api.Option("addAttachment", "field=" + newItemAttachments + ",path=\"" + filename + "\"")); } else { print("addAttachment() attachment is either 0 bytes or > 64Meg"); } } catch (ex) {print('addAttachment Failed 320: ' + ex.message);} } function UpdateIncidentTicket(UpdateItemId) { print('UpdateIncidentTicket 917: ' + UpdateItemId); try { // convert email to an attachement and attach to referenced ticket issue number var attachname = saveBodyAsFile("computerinformationreport.txt", messageContent); listofAttachments.add(attachname); issuesCommand = new Packages.com.mks.api.Command("im", "editissue"); issuesCommand.addSelection(UpdateItemId); for (var k = 0; k < listofAttachments.size(); k++) addAttachment(listofAttachments.get(k)); var response = apiBean.executeCmd(issuesCommand); var result = response.getResult(); print('Results of the command to update the request with the additional informatoin 333: ' + result); // var command = new Packages.com.mks.api.Command("im", "editissue"); // command.addOption(new Packages.com.mks.api.Option("UpdateIssue", updateField + "=" + messageContent)); // command.addSelection(UpdateItemId); // var response = apiBean.executeCmd(command); // var result = response.getResult(); // print('show results value 342 : '+ result) } catch (ex) {print('UpdateIncidentTicket Failed 340: ' + ex.message);} } function processBasicMessage(message, contentType) { print("Begin function processBasicMessage"); var disposition = message.getDisposition(); var attachname = checkForAttachment(message); listofContent.add(message.getContent()); messageContent = message.getContent(); if (null != disposition && disposition.equals("attachment")) { if (attachname != null) {listofAttachments.add(attachname);} } } function processMultPartMessage(message) { print("begin function processMultPartMessage 341"); var multipart = Packages.javax.mail.Multipart; multipart = message.getContentType(); getMultipartContent(message.getContent()); } function getMultipartContent(multipart) { print("begin function getMultipartContent"); for (var j = 0; j < multipart.getCount(); j++) { var part = Packages.javax.mail.Part; part = multipart.getBodyPart(j); var contentTypeforPart = part.getContentType(); var attachname = checkForAttachment(part); if (attachname != null) { listofAttachments.add(attachname); } else { var content = getEmailContentforPart(part); var emailbody = content if (null != content && content.toString().indexOf("javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart@") != 0) { messageContent = content;} print("Content 353: " + listofContent.add(content)); listofContent.add(content); } if (contentTypeforPart.match("multipart")) { var innerMultipart = Packages.javax.mail.Multipart; innerMultipart = part.getContent(); print("innerMultipart : " + innerMultipart); getMultipartContent(innerMultipart); } } } function getEmailContentforPart(part) { print("Begin function getemailContentforPart"); var email = part.getContent(); if (email != null) { print("email : " + email); return email; } else { return "--"; } } function getRelationshipStringFromEmail(emailsubject) { // This funcition is for the purpose of relating Incident tickets to program change requests print("Beginning of function getRelationshipStringFromEmail " + emailsubject); var estring = emailsubject; var tempStr = ""; if (estring != "" && relatedItemLinkField != "") { if (testForRelatedIdInSubject.test(estring)) { print("estring after testing for :, - ######, DT###### " + estring); tempStr = testForRelatedIdInSubject.exec(estring).toString(); } if (tempStr.length > 0) { print("tempstr greater than zero"); tempStr = tempStr.replace(":", ""); tempStr = tempStr.replace(" -", ""); tempStr = tempStr.replace("DT", ""); print("tempStr " + tempStr); } } return tempStr; } function getUpdateIncidentNumberFromEmail(emailsubject) { var estring = emailsubject; var tempStr = 0; if (estring != "") { if (testForValidIncidentTicketToUpdate.test(estring)) {tempStr = testForValidIncidentTicketToUpdate.exec(estring).toString();} return tempStr; } } function setEmailFields(senderemail, sentdate, recipientemail, emailsubject, allrecipients, cc) { print("Begin function setEmailFields senderemail - 421 : " + senderemail); setUpNewItemToName(senderemail); // Email Subject var subjectFieldLength = getFieldLength(newItemSubject); if (subjectFieldLength >= emailsubject.length()) { setItemFieldValue(newItemSubject, emailsubject); } else { if (null != newItemSubject && newItemSubject.trim() != "") { setItemFieldValue(newItemSubject, "Subject Too Long For Field Length"); messageContent = "Subject: " + emailsubject + "
" + messageContent; } } // Email body messageContent = "\n" + messageContent; var bodyFieldLength = getFieldLength(newItemBody); if (bodyFieldLength >= messageContent.length) { setItemFieldValue(newItemBody, messageContent); } else { if (null != newItemBody && newItemBody.trim() != "") { setItemFieldValue(newItemBody, "Message content was to long for the item field, please see the attached file messageContent.txt."); var attachname = saveBodyAsFile("messageContent.txt", messageContent); listofAttachments.add(attachname); } } var allemail = "\n" + getEmailAsString(senderemail, sentdate, recipientemail, emailsubject, allrecipients); var allFieldLength = getFieldLength(newItemAll); if (allFieldLength >= allemail.length) { print("newItemAll 472 : " + newItemAll); setItemFieldValue(newItemAll, allemail); print("newItemAll 482 :" + newItemAll); } else { if (null != newItemAll && newItemAll.trim() != "") { setItemFieldValue(newItemAll, "Message content was to long for the item field, please see the attached file allMessageContent.txt."); var attachname = saveBodyAsFile("allMessageContent.txt", allemail); listofAttachments.add(attachname); } } setItemFieldValue(newItemFromEmail, senderemail); setItemFieldValue(newItemToEmail, recipientemail); setItemFieldValue(newItemCC, getCCAsString(cc)); } function setUserDefinedFields() { if (null != newItemUserDefined && newItemUserDefined != "") { var customProperties = newItemUserDefined.split(delimiterOuter); for (var x = 0; x < customProperties.length; x++) { var customProperty = customProperties[x].split(delimiterInner); setItemFieldValue(customProperty[0], customProperty[1]); print("setItemFieldValue " + setItemFieldValue); } } } function getCCAsString(cc) { print("Begin function getCCAsString"); var ccString = ""; if (null != cc) { for (var i = 0; i < cc.length; i++) { ccString = ccString.concat(cc[i].getAddress()); if (i == (cc.length - 1)) { ccString = ccString.concat("\n"); } else { ccString = ccString.concat("; "); } } } return ccString; } function getEmailAsString(senderemail, sentdate, recipientemail, emailsubject, allrecipients) { var allemail = "\nFrom: "; allemail = allemail.concat(senderemail + "\n"); allemail = allemail.concat("Sent: " + sentdate + "\n"); allemail = allemail.concat("To: ") for (var i = 0; i < allrecipients.length; i++) { allemail = allemail.concat(allrecipients[i].getAddress()); if (i == (allrecipients.length - 1)) { allemail = allemail.concat("\n"); } else { allemail = allemail.concat("; "); } } allemail = allemail.concat("\nSubject: " + emailsubject + "\n"); if (messageContent == null) { var tmpcontent = "\n"; for (var j = 0; j < listofContent.size(); j++) { var tmpcontent = tmpcontent.concat(listofContent.get(j)); } allemail = allemail.concat(tmpcontent + "\n"); print("allemail from getEmailAsString function : " + getEmailAsString); } else { allemail = allemail.concat(messageContent + "\n"); } return allemail; } function cleanTempDirectory() { print("Begin function cleanTempDirectory"); var dir = new java.io.File(tempdirectory); dir.mkdir(); var listoffiles = dir.listFiles(); for (var i = 0; i < listoffiles.length; i++) { if (listoffiles[i].isFile() == true) { print(listoffiles[i] + " " + (listoffiles[i])["delete"]()); } } } function checkForAttachment(part) { print("Begin function checkForAttachment"); var disposition = part.getDisposition(); if (disposition != null && (disposition.equalsIgnoreCase(part.ATTACHMENT) || disposition.equalsIgnoreCase(part.INLINE))) { return saveFile(part.getFileName(), part.getInputStream()); } else if (null == disposition && part.getFileName() != null) { try { return saveFile(part.getFileName(), part.getInputStream()); } catch (ex) { print("exception trying to save null disposition attachment " + ex); return null; } } else { return null; } } function saveFile(filename, input) { print("Begin function saveFile : " + filename); if (filename == null) { filename = "attachment"; } tmpname = tempdirectory + "/"; tmpname = tempdirectory + "/"; print("tmpname -- " + tmpname) print("filename name is 1: " + filename); var tempfilename = " " + filename tempfilename = tempfilename.replace(/ /g, "_"); print("tempfilename name is 2: " + tempfilename); var filename = tempfilename var newFileName = tmpname.concat(filename); print("newFileName -- " + newFileName) var file = new java.io.File(newFileName); print("file name is : " + file); for (var i = 0; file.exists(); i++) { file = new java.io.File(tmpname + i + "_" + filename); print("file name is : " + file); } var fos = new java.io.FileOutputStream(file); var bos = new java.io.BufferedOutputStream(fos); var bis = new java.io.BufferedInputStream(input); var aByte; while ((aByte = bis.read()) != -1) { bos.write(aByte); } bos.flush(); bos.close(); bis.close(); return file.getName(); } function saveBodyAsFile(filename, input) { print("Begin function saveBodyAsFile : " + filename); tmpname = tempdirectory + "/"; var newFileName = tmpname.concat(filename); var file = new java.io.File(newFileName); for (var i = 0; file.exists(); i++) { file = new java.io.File(tmpname + i + "_" + filename); } var outWriter = new java.io.PrintWriter(file); outWriter.print(input); outWriter.flush(); outWriter.close(); return file.getName(); } function sendMail(emailsubject, emailbody) { try { var envprops = eb.getEnvironmentVariables(); var disableEmail = envprops.getProperty("disableEmail", "false"); if (disableEmail != null && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(disableEmail)) { // email notifications are disabled print("E-MAIL DISABLED: disableEmail property set in data/triggers/env.properties"); } else { var jmail_props = new java.util.Properties(); jmail_props.put("mail.smtp.host", getSMTPServer()); jmail_props.put("mail.smtp.port", getSMTPPort()); // socket connection and I/O timeouts in milliseconds, // set to five minutes jmail_props.put("mail.smtp.connectiontimeout", 5 * 60 * 1000); jmail_props.put("mail.smtp.timeout", 5 * 60 * 1000); var session = Packages.javax.mail.Session.getInstance(jmail_props); var html_msg = new Packages.javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage(session); html_msg.setFrom(new Packages.javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress(errorEmailFromAddress)); html_msg.addHeader("X-Priority", "1"); var addresses = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(Packages.javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress, 1); addresses[0] = new Packages.javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress(errorEmailToAddress); html_msg.setRecipients(Packages.javax.mail.Message.RecipientType.TO, addresses); html_msg.setSubject(emailsubject); html_msg.setSentDate(new java.util.Date()); var htmlBody = new Packages.javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart(); htmlBody.setDataHandler(new Packages.javax.activation.DataHandler(emailbody, "text/html")); print("htmlBody : " + htmlBody); var multiPart = new Packages.javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart("alternative"); multiPart.addBodyPart(htmlBody); html_msg.setContent(multiPart); Packages.javax.mail.Transport.send(html_msg); } } catch (ex) {print('sendMail Failed 673: ' + ex.message);} } function getSMTPServer() { var smtpHostPort = eb.getMailHostnameAndPort(); var SMTPserver = smtpHostPort[0]; // Logging // // Abort if none found, or return found value if (SMTPserver == null || SMTPserver.length() == 0) { print("'mksis.mailserver' property is not set in server configuration properties"); } else {return SMTPserver;} } function getSMTPPort() { var smtpHostPort = eb.getMailHostnameAndPort(); var SMTPport = smtpHostPort[1]; // Logging // // Abort if none found, or return found value if (SMTPport == null || SMTPport.length() == 0) { print("'mksis.mailserver' property is not set in server configuration properties"); } else { return SMTPport; } } function print(s) { Packages.mks.util.Logger.message(eb.getScriptName() + ": DEBUG PRINT GENERAL SETTING 10 " + s + "--**DEBUG PRINT"); } function abort(s) { eb.abortScript(s, true); } function initParams() { var sweepserver = null; print("Begin function initParams "); var serverprops = eb.getEnvironmentVariables(); print("serverprops " + serverprops); sweepName = params.getParameter("Sweep Name"); print("sweepName " + sweepName); if (null == sweepName || "".equals(sweepName)) { activeserver = serverprops.getProperty("sweepserver"); print("Actual activeserver " + sweepserver); } else { activeserver = serverprops.getProperty("sweepserver"); print("server activeserver " + activeserver); } if ("production".equalsIgnoreCase(activeserver)) { username = params.getParameter("Production Mail Login"); password = params.getParameter("Production Mail Password"); } else { username = params.getParameter("Staging Mail Login"); password = params.getParameter("Staging Mail Password"); } if (null == username || "".equals(username)) { username = serverprops.getProperty("sweeplogin"); } if (null == password || "".equals(password)) { var encodedPassword = serverprops.getProperty("sweeppassword"); password = new java.lang.String(java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedPassword)); } if ("production".equalsIgnoreCase(activeserver)) { host = params.getParameter("Production Mail Host"); mailbox = params.getParameter("Production Mail Mailbox"); errormailbox = params.getParameter("Production Mail Error Mailbox"); storetype = params.getParameter("Production Mail Store Type"); } else if ("staging".equalsIgnoreCase(activeserver)) { host = params.getParameter("Staging Mail Host"); mailbox = params.getParameter("Staging Mail Mailbox"); errormailbox = params.getParameter("Staging Mail Error Mailbox"); storetype = params.getParameter("Staging Mail Store Type"); } tempdirectory = eb.getInstallDirectory() + "/data/tmp/mailsweep"; emptySubjectOverride = params.getParameter("Empty Subject Override"); newItemItemType = params.getParameter("Mapping Item Type"); newItemSubject = params.getParameter("Mapping Subject"); newItemUserDefined = params.getParameter("Mapping User Defined"); delimiterOuter = params.getParameter("User Defined Outer Delimiter"); delimiterInner = params.getParameter("User Defined Inner Delimiter"); newItemFromEmail = params.getParameter("Mapping From Email"); newItemFromName = params.getParameter("Mapping From Name"); newItemFromNameFailover = params.getParameter("Mapping From Name Failover"); newItemBody = params.getParameter("Mapping Body"); newItemToEmail = params.getParameter("Mapping To Email"); newItemToName = params.getParameter("Mapping To Name"); newItemToNameFailover = params.getParameter("Mapping To Name Failover"); newItemCC = params.getParameter("Mapping CC"); newItemAll = params.getParameter("Mapping All"); newItemAttachments = params.getParameter("Mapping Attachments"); relatedItemLinkField = params.getParameter("Mapping Related Field"); UpdateItemField = params.getParameter("Update Item Logging Field"); errorEmailDelayMinutes = params.getParameter("Error Re Send Pause Minutes"); errorEmailFromAddress = params.getParameter("Error From Email"); errorEmailToAddress = params.getParameter("Error To Email"); errorEmailSubject = params.getParameter("Error Subject"); emailFilter = params.getParameter("Email Filter"); } function printParams() { print("begin function printParams 852"); print("Mail Sweep : sweepConfig : " + sweepConfig); print("Mail Sweep : activeserver : " + activeserver); print("Mail Sweep : host : " + host); print("Mail Sweep : username : " + username); print("Mail Sweep : storetype : " + storetype); print("Mail Sweep : mailbox : " + mailbox); print("Mail Sweep : tempdirectory : " + tempdirectory); print("Mail Sweep : emptySubjectOverride : " + emptySubjectOverride); } function printMessageDetails(message, messageNumber, messageCount) { print("printMessageDetails"); print("Message number '" + messageNumber + "' of '" + messageCount + "'"); print("From Address is '" + message.getFrom()[0].getAddress() + "'"); print("Recipients are '" + message.getAllRecipients()[0].getAddress() + "'"); print("Message Subject is '" + message.getSubject() + "'"); print("Sent Date is '" + message.getSentDate() + "'"); } function moveErrorMessage(jmail_store, message, inbox) { print("Begin function moveErrorMessage"); try { if (storetype == "imap") { var Flags = Packages.javax.mail.Flags; var errorfolder = jmail_store.getFolder(errormailbox); if (!errorfolder.exists()) { errorfolder.create(Folder.HOLDS_MESSAGES); } var errormsgs = new Array(1) errormsgs[0] = message; inbox.copyMessages(errormsgs, errorfolder); message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); inbox.expunge(); } } catch (ex) {print('moveErrorMessage Failed 817: ' + ex.message);} } function handleErrorMessageIMAP(emailsubject, emailbody) { print("Begin function handleErrorMessageIMAP"); sendMail(emailsubject, emailbody); } function handleErrorMessagePOP(emailsubject, emailbody) { print("Start function handleErrorMessagePOP: " + emailsubject + " --- " + emailbody); var dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); var props = eb.getEnvironmentVariables(); print("getEnvironmentVariables : props : " + props); var lastDateStored = props.getProperty("sweepserver.errormessage.lastsent", "2000/01/01 00:00:01"); var lastErrorSent = dateFormat.parse(lastDateStored); var lastCal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(); var nowCal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(); print("nowCal " + nowCal); lastCal.setTime(lastErrorSent); lastCal.add(java.util.Calendar.MINUTE, errorEmailDelayMinutes) if (lastCal.before(nowCal)) { sendMail(emailsubject, emailbody); props.setProperty("sweepserver.errormessage.lastsent", dateFormat.format(new java.util.Date)); } else {print("error found, waiting on next email alert time");} } function initErrorConfig() { print("Begin function initErrorConfig"); var dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); var errorconfig = "../data/" + sweepConfig; var props = new java.util.Properties(); errorconfig = errorconfig.replace(".config", ".error.config"); props.setProperty("error.message.lastsent", dateFormat.format(new java.util.Date)); var fos = new java.io.FileOutputStream(errorconfig); props.store(fos, ""); fos.close(); } function isUser(userName) { print("Begin function isUser " + userName); try { var testUser = sb.getUserBean(userName); if (null != testUser && testUser.isActive()) { return true; } else { print("no user found"); return false; } } catch (ex) {print('isUser Failed 866: ' + ex.message);} return false; } function getFieldLength(fieldName) { print("Begin function getFieldLength " + fieldName); try { var fieldCommand = new Packages.com.mks.api.Command("im", "viewfield"); fieldCommand.addSelection(fieldName); var response = apiBean.executeCmd(fieldCommand); if (response.getWorkItemListSize() > 0) { var workItems = response.getWorkItems(); while (workItems.hasNext()) { var workItem = workItems.next(); field = workItem.getField("maxLength"); print(field.getValueAsString()); return parseInt(field.getValueAsString()); } } } catch (ex) {print('getFieldLength Failed 885: ' + ex.message);} return 0; } function isValidReltedItemId(newItemId, relatedItemId) { print("Begin function isValidReltedItemId : " + newItemId + " -- " + relatedItemId); try { var id = parseInt(relatedItemId); var command = new Packages.com.mks.api.Command("im", "issue"); print('id 894: ' + id); command.addSelection(id); var response = apiBean.executeCmd(command); var result = response.getResult(); print('results from running the command im viewissue 898: ' + result); // error message "MKS1093164: Item (id or UpdateItemid) does not exist." // >im issues 131279 return true; } catch (ex) {print('isValidReltedItemId 901: ' + ex.message);} return false; } function isValidItemId(UpdateItemId) { print("Begin function isValidItemId : " + UpdateItemId); try { var id = parseInt(UpdateItemId); var command = new Packages.com.mks.api.Command("im", "issues --fields='Detailed Description' "); print('UpdateItemID 905: ' + UpdateItemId); command.addSelection(UpdateItemId); var response = apiBean.executeCmd(command); var result = response.getResult(); print('results from running the command im viewissue 913: ' + result); // >im issues --fields='Detailed Description' 131279 // error message "MKS1093164: Item (id or UpdateItemid) does not exist." return true; } catch (ex) {print('isValidItemId(UpdateItemId) 912: ' + ex.message);} return (false); } function addRelatedItem(newItemId, relatedItemId) { try { var command = new Packages.com.mks.api.Command("im", "editissue"); command.addOption(new Packages.com.mks.api.Option("addRelationships", relatedItemLinkField + "=" + relatedItemId)); command.addSelection(newItemId); var response = apiBean.executeCmd(command); var result = response.getResult(); } catch (ex) {print('addRelatedItem Failed 924: ' + ex.message);} } function buildCommandExcute(commandPassed, parameterspassed) { try { command = new Command(commandPassed); command.addOption(new Option (parameterspassed)); print("comand to execute 1028 : " + Command); var response = apiBean.executeCmd(Command); var result = response.getResult(); print("result.getmessage from buildCommandExcute 1032 : " + result.getMessage()); } catch (ex) {print('buildCommandExcute Failed 935: ' + ex.message);} } function setUpNewItemToName(senderemail) { // Break ou the sender's email address split function turns the string variable into an array var senderName = senderemail.split("@"); // move array element 0 which is the email portion before the @ symbol var FirstPeriodLastName = senderName[0]; // split the email address name based upon the period between the first and last name var firstNameandLastName = FirstPeriodLastName.split("."); var firstName = FirstPeriodLastName.substr(0, FirstPeriodLastName.indexOf('.')); var firstNameInitial = firstName.slice(0, 1); var lastName = FirstPeriodLastName.substr(FirstPeriodLastName.indexOf('.') + 1); var FirstNamePlusLastName = firstNameInitial + lastName; // if the email address was not seperatated by a period then it would classified as undefined if (firstName == "undefined") { var FirstNamePlusLastName = senderName[0]; } else { var FirstNamePlusLastName = firstNameInitial + lastName; } if (isUser(FirstNamePlusLastName)) { setItemFieldValue(newItemToName, FirstNamePlusLastName); } else { // hard coded the helpdeskem due to issue with not able to extract the exact contact name from email address information only. // otherwise it would have to be setup to use non-employee option to set the email address. setItemFieldValue(newItemToName, "helpdeskem"); } return (newItemToName); }