cx-server { //health-check {port = 9009} protocol { //port = 8081 //http-client { // keep-alive-enabled = true // ssl { // enabled = true // protocol = "TLSv1.1" // trust-all-certificates = true // } //} consumerPolicyName = "service" consumerPolicyKey = "JDViG5E2i+gtfYycu5eNw7YV7ZG3XiN9da6ZathRJ3s=" registryPolicyName = "registryReadWrite" registryPolicyKey= "XUT3k0sFED2nHB4Ss7q+uSa41spwosjn5sv5kvYd1pI=" hubName = "jmpthingworx" eventHubName = "jmpthingworx" //${cx-server.https.hubName} eventHubNamespace = "iothub-ns-jmpthingwo-1554816-7f928f5a23" consumerGroup = null hubHostname = "" blob-storage { accounts { default { endpoint-protocol = "http" // > Settings > Access Keys > Storage account name account-name = "jmpthingworx" // > Settings > Access Keys > key1 or key2 account-key = "kXEETSEKt4/n7K5qoViB9wIV2/NJxnRu5lQpQbpTjdjtyCgT8n4Otzw/47HU0URBTal5FXpIlm2oEMCpNInNiw==" } } event-processor-host { container-name = "eph-storage-"${cx-server.protocol.eventHubName} account = default } } } transport.websockets { // ThingWorx platform application key app-key = "ace3aa07-cab1-4bdf-b1e0-ab02ef2128c2" // One or more platforms can be specified here, comma separated platforms = "ws://" } platform.extensions { //Filesystem location of extension zips. This is needed for the connector to deploy extensions to the platform location = "C:/Thingworx-Azure-IoT-Hub-Connector-" } }