appCtx: - classpath:/spring/property-placeholder.xml - classpath:/spring/job-executor-asynchronous-uri-results.xml - classpath:/spring/job-dao.xml - classpath:/spring/scoring-db-config.xml - classpath:/spring/predictive-service.xml - classpath:/spring/cache-config.xml - classpath:/spring/resultsources.xml - classpath:/spring/results-service-health-check.xml - classpath:/spring/neuron-vfs.xml - classpath:/spring/dataset-factory.xml - classpath:/spring/s3-presto-filesystem.xml propertyReaderCtx: - classpath:/spring/properties-wiring.xml # remove analysis section of the yaml or leave the URI blank # to run thing predictor as a standalone without analysis agent analysis: # Change to point to thingworx server host for the Analysis Manager # e.g. URI: ws://localhost:8080/Thingworx/WS URI: ${analysis-manager-uri:ws://} ScanRate: 15000 # Change AppKey as per your configuration (e.g. AppKey: 4beec68b-4de7-4f0f-b3df-35ca6ec43cc1) AppKey: ${analysis-manager-appkey:5eb60f9b-ab18-4794-8300-f118d74cb9da} # Set the appropriate userid and password Userid: ${analysis-manager-user:Administrator} Password: ${analysis-manager-password:wwA2ThingWorx} AppImplClass: com.thingworx.analysis.TWAnalysisAgentAdapter ConnectorName: TW.AnalysisServices.ThingPredictorConnector AgentWorkDir: ./AgentWorkDir AppExecutionThreadpoolSize: 1 # ClientInstanceMaxCount should be set to 1. Do not change this value ClientInstanceMaxCount: 1 ClientInstanceInitCount: 1 AgentId: default server: applicationConnectors: - type: http port: ${predictive.http.port:9090} adminConnectors: - type: http port: ${predictive.admin.port:9091} registerDefaultExceptionMappers: false flyway: # Locations to scan recursively for migrations. (default: db/migration) locations: - /job-create-schema # The description to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline. (default: << Flyway Baseline >>) baselineDescription: "<< Scoring Microservice Flyway Baseline >>" # Whether to automatically call baseline when migrate is executed against a non-empty schema with no metadata table. (default: false) # Be careful when enabling this as it removes the safety net that ensures Flyway does not migrate the wrong database in case of a configuration mistake! baselineOnMigrate: true migrateAutomatically: true logging: # The default level of all loggers. Can be OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, or ALL. level: ${logging.default.level} appenders: # write log statements to console (stdout). - type: console # TimeZone ID as recognized by Java e.g. UTC, EST5EDT timeZone: EST5EDT # Do not display log statements below this threshold to stdout. threshold: ALL target: stdout # write log statements to file. - type: file # TimeZone ID as recognized by Java e.g. UTC, EST5EDT timeZone: EST5EDT # Do not display log statements below this threshold to stdout. threshold: ALL currentLogFilename: ${}/thingpredictor.log archive: true archivedLogFilenamePattern: ${}/thingpredictor-%d.log.gz archivedFileCount: 10