I sent this to the wrong forum first sorry..
Thanks for the help. I corrected the format where I could modify it and
then re opened the drawings to see the updates. I'm really interested to
know how one locks formats. Some times my users get creative with the
format. Anyway, Thanks for the replies.
have you tried opening the format itself (.frm file, should be in
session if you select format from the "type" drop down in your open
window. unless something is entered into a table on a format, it wont
be modifyable from the drawing which uses that format.
Laura Woodward
sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
You need to open the format to change anything most things on it. The
items you seem to be able to change are likely in tables with parameters
for the text portions. Otherwise they're plain old text boxes. HTH.
Richard Serafin
The items in white and blue are most likely on the drawing format. A
Pro/E drawing uses the format to define these items. You would need to
clear all items from memory, open the *.frm file, make the changes, save
it and then reopen the drawing you want.
Allen Caldwell
You have to specifically open the format.
Michael Wimberly
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