Hello proe users,
I have found a problem when mirroring a cut that was created at the assembly level.
-Feature "plug_1" was created at the assembly level over "1_cuerpo.prt", and the material is removed both at the part level and assembly level, see image plug_1_definition.
-Feature "plug_2" is also created at the assembly level, as a mirror of "plug_1" but the material to be removed is from "2_cuerpo.prt". The feature is created and is does remove material at the assembly level, but it does not intersect the part and when I open "2_cuerpo.prt" nothing has been removed. Please see attached image for definition of this feature.
From image plug_2_definition I can see that the models are being intersected at different levels, "1_cuerpo.prt" at the part level while "2_cuerpo.prt" is intersected at the assembly level only. I have played around with the intersection controls, but I haven´t been able to get "plug_2" to intersect "2_cuerpo.prt", thus making it visible at the assembly and part level.
Any ideas, thoughts are appreciated.
If you can´t see the images in the exploder you can download them from the cad forum.