I'm trying to get links from one PDF to another to work, but am having limited success. I think I'm doing everything stated in the Arbortext documentation, but still no joy. Of course, the documentation is geared toward users of Document (Arbortext?) Architect, which we don't have, so I might be misinterpreting something.
We are using Arbortext PE 5.3 patch M120 in direct-to-PDF mode.
The print doctype has these entries in the DCF file:
<target element="part" id="id" primary="no"/">
<link element="linkURL" uri="address"/">
My target PDF has a part element coded as:
<part id="id383723">
My referencing PDF has a linkURL element coded as:
<linkurl address="xps_user_guide.pdf#nameddest=id383723">Some text</linkurl>
When I generate the two PDFs, the linkURL in the referencing PDF works, but only to open the target PDF (xps_user_guide.pdf) at the beginning. I want it to open at the named destination.
The "id" attribute on <part> is of type "xs:ID" (we use XML schema for validation).
Anyone see anything missing or that I'm not doing correctly? Any suggestions?
Dave Hintz