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IoT Tips

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Welcome to the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community! The ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps are easy to deploy, pre-configured role-based starter apps that are built on PTC’s industry-leading IoT platform, ThingWorx. These Apps provide manufacturers with real-time visibility into operational information, improved decision making, accelerated time to value, and unmatched flexibility to drive factory performance.   This Community page is open to all users-- including licensed ThingWorx users, Express (“freemium”) users, or anyone interested in trying the Apps. Tech Support community advocates serve users on this site, and are here to answer your questions about downloading, installing, and configuring the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps.     A. Sign up: ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community: PTC account credentials are needed to participate in the ThingWorx Community. If you have not yet registered a PTC eSupport account, start with the Basic Account Creation page.   Manufacturing Apps Web portal: Register a login for the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps web portal, where you can download the free trial and navigate to the additional resources discussed below.     B. Download: Choose a download/packaging option to get started.   i. Express/Freemium Installer (best for users who are new to ThingWorx): If you want to quickly install ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps (including ThingWorx) use the following installer: Download the Express/Freemium Installer   ii. 30-day Developer Kit trial: To experience the capabilities of the ThingWorx Platform with the Manufacturing Apps and create your own Apps: Download the 30-day Developer Kit trial   iii. Import as a ThingWorx Extension (for users with a Manufacturing Apps entitlement-- including ThingWorx commercial customers, PTC employees, and PTC Partners): ThingWorx Manufacturing apps can be imported as ThingWorx extensions into an existing ThingWorx Platform install (v8.1.0). To locate the download, open the PTC Software Download Page and expand the following folders:   ThingWorx Platform | Release 8.x | ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Extension | Most Recent Datacode     C. Learn After downloading the installer or extensions, begin with Installation and Configuration.   Follow the steps laid out in the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Setup and Configuration Guide 8.2   Find helpful getting-started guides and videos available within the 'Get Started' section of the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Portal.     D. Customize Once you have successfully downloaded, installed, and configured the Manufacturing Apps, begin to explore the deeper potential of the Apps and the ThingWorx Platform.   Follow along with the discussion and steps contained in the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps and Service Apps Customization Guide  8.2   Also contained within the the 'Get Started' page of the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Portal, find the "Evolve and Expand" section, featuring: -Custom Plant Layout application -Custom Asset Advisor application -Global Plant View application -Thingworx Manufacturing Apps Technical Lab with Sigma Tile (Raspberry Pi application) -Configuring the Apps with demo data set and simulator -Additional Advanced Documentation     E. Get help / give feedback / interact Use the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community page as a resource to find documentation, peruse past forum threads, or post a question to start a discussion! For advanced troubleshooting, licensed users are encouraged to submit support tickets to the PTC My eSupport portal.
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/* Define a DataShape used in an InfoTable Parameter for this service call */ twDataShape* sampleInfoTableAsParameterDs = twDataShape_Create(twDataShapeEntry_Create("ColumnA",NO_DESCRIPTION,TW_STRING)); twDataShape_AddEntry(sampleInfoTableAsParameterDs,twDataShapeEntry_Create("ColumnB",NO_DESCRIPTION,TW_NUMBER)); twDataShape_AddEntry(sampleInfoTableAsParameterDs,twDataShapeEntry_Create("ColumnC",NO_DESCRIPTION,TW_BOOLEAN)); twDataShape_SetName(sampleInfoTableAsParameterDs,"SampleInfoTableAsParameterDataShape");      /* Define Input Parameter that is an InfoTable of Shape SampleInfoTableAsParameterDataShape */ twDataShapeEntry* infoTableDsEntry = twDataShapeEntry_Create("itParam",NULL,TW_INFOTABLE); twDataShapeEntry_AddAspect(infoTableDsEntry, "dataShape", twPrimitive_CreateFromString("SampleInfoTableAsParameterDataShape", TRUE));    twDataShape* inputParametersDefinitionDs = twDataShape_Create(infoTableDsEntry);   /* Register remote function */ twApi_RegisterService(TW_THING, SERVICE_INTEGRATION_THINGNAME, "testMultiRowInfotable", NO_DESCRIPTION,   inputParametersDefinitionDs, TW_NOTHING, NULL, PlatformCallsServiceWithMultiRowInfoTableServiceImpl, NULL); /* Note that you will have to manually create the datashape in ThingWorx before attempting to add this remote service to your Thing. */
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The AddStreamEntries​ snippet does not offer too much information, except that it needs an InfoTable as input. It is however based on the InfoTable for the AddStreamEntity service.     To use the AddStreamEntries table, an InfoTable based on sourceType, values, location, source, timestamp​ and ​tags​ must be used.   In this example, I started with a new Thing based on a ​Stream​ template and the following DataShape:     This DataShape must be converted into an InfoTable with is used as the ​values​ parameter. It's important that the ​timestamp​ parameter has distinct values! Otherwise values matching the same timestamp will be overwritten!   We don't really need the sourceType​ as ThingWorx will automatically determine the type by knowing the source and which kind of Entity Type it is.   I created a new ​MyStreamThing​ with a new service, filling the InfoTable and the Stream. The result is the following code which will add 5 rows to the Stream:     // *** SET UP META DATA FOR INFO TABLE ***   // create a new InfoTable based on AddStreamEntries parameters (timestamp, location, source, sourceType, tags, values)   var myInfoTable = { dataShape: { fieldDefinitions : {} }, rows: [] };   myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['timestamp']  = { name: 'timestamp', baseType: 'DATETIME' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['location']  = { name: 'location', baseType: 'LOCATION' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['source']    = { name: 'source', baseType: 'STRING' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['sourceType'] = { name: 'sourceType', baseType: 'STRING' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['tags']      = { name: 'tags', baseType: 'TAGS' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['values']    = { name: 'values', baseType: 'INFOTABLE' };   // *** SET UP ACTUAL VALUES FOR INFO TABLE ***   // create new meta data   var tags = new Array(); var timestamp = new Date(); var location = new Object(); location.latitude = 0; location.longitude = 0; location.elevation = 0; location.units = "WGS84";   // add rows to InfoTable (~5 times)   for (i=0; i<5; i++) {       // create new values based on Stream DataShape       var params = {           infoTableName : "InfoTable",           dataShapeName : "Cxx-DS"     };       var values = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params);       // add something to the values to make them unique       // create and add new row based on Stream DataShape     // only a single line allowed!       var newValues = new Object();     newValues.a = "aaa" + i; // STRING - isPrimaryKey = true     newValues.b = "bbb" + i; // STRING     newValues.c = "ccc" + i; // STRING       values.AddRow(newValues);       // create new InfoTable row based on meta data & values     // add 10 ms to each object, to make it's timestamp unique     // otherwise entries with the same timestamp will be overwritten       var newEntry = new Object();     newEntry.timestamp = new Date( + (i * 10));     newEntry.location = location;     newEntry.source =;     newEntry.tags = tags;     newEntry.values = values;       // add new Info Table row to Info Table           myInfoTable.rows = newEntry;       }       // *** ADD myInfoTable (HOLDING MULITPLE STREAM ENTRIES) TO STREAM       // add stream entries in the InfoTable       var params = {           values: myInfoTable /* INFOTABLE */     };       // no return       Things["MyStreamThing"].AddStreamEntries(params);   To verify the values have been added correctly, call the ​GetStreamEntriesWithData​ service on the ​MyStreamThing​
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This video is the 2 nd part of a series of 3 videos walking you through how to setup ThingWatcher for Anomaly Detection. In this video you will learn how to use “Discover UI” from the “New Composer” to bind simulated data coming through KEPServer for Anomaly Detection.   Updated Link for access to this video:  Anomaly Detection 8.0: Configuring Anomaly Alerts:  Part 2 of 3
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One recurring question that comes up after a customer has been using the scripting capabilities of the Axeda Platform for some time is how to create function libraries that are reusable, in order to reduce the amount of copy and pasting (and testing) that is done to create new functionality.  Below I demonstrate a mechanism for how to accomplish this.  Some things that are typically included in such a library are: Customized ExtendedObject access methods (CRUD) - ExtendedObjects must be created before they can be used, so this can be encapsulated per customer requirements DataItem manipulation Gathering lists of Assets based on criteria Accessing the ExternalCredentialsBridge For those unfamiliar with Custom Objects I suggest some resources at the end of this document to get started.  The first thing we want to do is create a script that is going to be our "Library of Functions": FunctionLibrary.groovy: class GroovyChild {     String hello() {         return "Hello"     }     String world() {         return "World"     } } return new GroovyChild() This can the be subsequently called like this: FunctionCaller.groovy: import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import import import CustomObjectCriteria cOC1 = new CustomObjectCriteria() cOC1.setName 'FunctionLibrary' def co = customObjectBridge.findOne cOC1 result = customObjectBridge.execute(co.label ) return ['Content-Type': 'application/text', 'Content': result.hello() + ' ' + ] A developer would be wise to add in null checking on some of the function returns and do some error reporting if it cannot find and execute the FunctionLibrary.  This is only means a a means to start the users on the path of building their own reusable content libraries. Regard -Chris Kaminski PTC/Axeda Customer Support References: Axeda® Platform Web Services Developer's Reference, v2 REST 6.8.3 August 2015 Axeda® v2 API/Services Developer's Reference Version 6.8.3 August 2015 Axeda® v1 API Developer’s Reference Guide Version 6.8 August 2014 Documentation Map for Axeda® 6.8.2 January 2015
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In the process of working with a customer, I was curious as to the throughput of a file sent via the Axeda Connected Content feature to one of the Axeda Agent Gateways.   I took a random 50 megabyte blob of data (/dev/urandom) and sent it to one of my test Gateways via a Package deployment: DEBUG   xgEnterpriseProxy: Enterprise Queue Empty INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 11% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 21% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 31% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 41% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 51% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 61% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 71% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 81% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 91% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 100% DEBUG   xgSM: >>  INTERNAL DEBUG MESSAGE << :  Download time is 4 seconds DEBUG   xgSM: >>  INTERNAL DEBUG MESSAGE << :  Upgrading.  Backing up files to C:\temp\CFKGW\AxedaBackup DEBUG   xgSM: >>  INTERNAL DEBUG MESSAGE << :  Extracting downloaded files from DefaultProject\CFKGW\Downloads\141581_143281.tar.gz to directory C:\temp\CFKGW\ DEBUG   xgSM: >>  INTERNAL DEBUG MESSAGE << :  Extraction Finished About 12MB per second.  This was a sandbox in the PTC On-Demand Center.  Not bad, but not necessarily representative of a real production system.  This sandbox doesn't have 1000 devices trying to get this file at once.  So some benchmarking in your configuration and environment certainly needs to be done. So that done, I thought I'd up the ante - 700 megabytes this time! DEBUG   xgEnterpriseProxy: Enterprise Queue Empty INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 10% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 20% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 30% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 40% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 50% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 60% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 70% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 80% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 90% INFO    xgSM:  ... Download percent done = 100% DEBUG   xgSM: >>  INTERNAL DEBUG MESSAGE << :  Download time is 66 seconds So 10MB per second. Directory of C:\temp\cfkgw 05/17/2017  01:32 PM    <DIR>          . 05/17/2017  01:32 PM    <DIR>          .. 05/17/2017  01:03 PM         1,048,576 1mb.dat 05/17/2017  01:04 PM        52,428,800 50meg-randomdata.dat 05/17/2017  01:32 PM       734,003,200 700mb.dat 05/17/2017  01:03 PM    <DIR>          AxedaBackup                3 File(s)    787,480,576 bytes Not bad at all! 
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If you ever tested mashup rendering on mobile phones, you probably experienced that the mashup was not sizing to fit your mobile display. This "MobileHeader" extension enables to auto adapt the mashup to mobile displays.   It adds the following parameters to the HTML header: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent">   In the composer just drop the "MobileHeader" extension into a section of the mashup.   This extension was tested until version 7.4.
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It usually happens that we need to copy a large file to ThingWorx server periodically, and what's worse, the big file is changing(like a log file). This sample give a simpler way to implement. The main idea in the sample is: 1. Lower the management burden from ThingWorx server and instead it put all the work in edge SDK side 2. Save network burden with only uploading the incremented file and append it to the older file on ThingWorx server   Java SDK version in this sample: 6.0.1-255
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This is part 3 out of 3 videos on Getting Started with ThingWorx Analytics During this video you will learn:   Executing a “Signals” Job Getting the results of the “Signals” Job Executing a “Training Model” Job Getting the results of the “Training Model” Job   Updated Link for access to this video:  Getting Started with ThingWorx Analytics: Part 3 of 3
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This simple example creates an infotable of hierarchical data from an existing datashape that can be used in a tree or D3 Tree widget.  Attachments are provides that give a PDF document as well as the ThingWorx entities for the example.  If you were just interested in the service code, it is listed below: var params = {   infoTableName : "InfoTable",   dataShapeName : "TreeDataShape" }; // CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(infoTableName:STRING("InfoTable"), dataShapeName:STRING):INFOTABLE(TreeDataShape) var result = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params); var NewRow = {}; NewRow.Parent = "No Parent"; NewRow.Child = "Enterprise"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Enterprise"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Enterprise"; NewRow.Child = "Site1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Wilmington Plant"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Blow Molding"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line1"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line1.Asset1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Preform Staging"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line1"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line1.Asset2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Blow Molder"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line1"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line1.Asset3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Bottle Unscrambler"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Filling"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line2"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line2.Asset1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Rinser"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line2"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line2.Asset2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Filler"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line2"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line2.Asset3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Capper"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Packaging"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line3"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line3.Asset1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Printer Labeler"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line3"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line3.Asset2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Packer"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line3"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line3.Asset3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Palletizing"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Enterprise"; NewRow.Child = "Site2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Mobile Plant"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Blow Molding"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line1"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line1.Asset1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Preform Staging"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line1"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line1.Asset2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Blow Molder"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line1"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line1.Asset3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Bottle Unscrambler"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Filling"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line2"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line2.Asset1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Rinser"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line2"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line2.Asset2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Filler"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line2"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line2.Asset3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Capper"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Packaging"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line3"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line3.Asset1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Printer Labeler"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line3"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line3.Asset2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Packer"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line3"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line3.Asset3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Palletizing"; result.AddRow(NewRow);
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Disclaimer: example was provided by Hatcher Chad -   //   // For this example, we'll have an Math service   // which takes two numbers, and an operation.   // The result will be that operation performed on the two inputs.       //   // We either need an Application Key,   // or user credentials to perform the reads and writes.   // App keys are a little safer.   // In this demo, we'll store it on the Entity as a Property.   var appKey = me.appKey;       //   // The service name needs to be unique and not already in use.   var serviceName = "MyMath";       //   // What are the inputs to the service?   // We'll define them nicely here, but manipulate this object later.   var parameters = {   "op" : "STRING",   "x" : "NUMBER",   "y" : "NUMBER"   };       //   // What datatype does the service return?   // If it's an infotable,   // then you'll also have to specify the data shape   // as part of the resultType's aspect,   // but I won't demonstrate that here.   var output = "NUMBER";       //   // What is the actual service script?   // We'll define it here as an array of lines, and then join them together.   var serviceScript = [   "var result = (function() {",   " switch(op) {",   " case \"add\": return x + y;",   " case \"sub\": return x - y;",   " case \"mult\": return x * y;",   " case \"div\": return x / y;",   " default: return op in Math ? Math[op](x, y) : 0;",   " };",   "})();",   ].join("\n");       ////////       //   // Let's convert the friendly parameter definition   // into the structure that ThingWorx uses:   var parameterDefinitions = Object.keys(parameters).reduce(function(parameterDefinitions, parameterName, index) {   var parameterType = parameters[parameterName];   parameterDefinitions[parameterName] = {   "name": parameterName,   "aspects": {},   "description": "",   "baseType": parameterType,   "ordinal": index   };   return parameterDefinitions;   }, {});       //   // Now let's set up our service definition and implementation.   var definition = {   "isAllowOverride": false,   "isOpen": false,   "sourceType": "Unknown",   "parameterDefinitions": parameterDefinitions,   "name": serviceName,   "aspects": {   "isAsync": false   },   "isLocalOnly": false,   "description": "",   "isPrivate": false,   "sourceName": "",   "category": "",   "resultType": {   "name": "result",   "aspects": {},   "description": "",   "baseType": output,   "ordinal": 0   }   };       var implementation = {   "name": serviceName,   "description": "",   "handlerName": "Script",   "configurationTables": {   "Script": {   "isMultiRow": false,   "name": "Script",   "description": "Script",   "rows": [{   "code": serviceScript   }],   "ordinal": 0,   "dataShape": {   "fieldDefinitions": {   "code": {   "name": "code",   "aspects": {},   "description": "code",   "baseType": "STRING",   "ordinal": 0   }   }   }   }   }   };       ////////       //   // Here are the URLs we'll need in order to make updates.   // You can change the thing name ('ServiceModifier' here)   // to something else.   // If you use credentials instead of an app key,   // then you can remove the appKey parameter here,   // but you'll have to add the username and password   // to the two ContentLoaderFunctions calls.   var url = {   export : ""+appKey,   import : ""+appKey   };       //   // We can download the entity to modify as a JSON object.   // Older versions of ThingWorx might not support this.   var config = Resources.ContentLoaderFunctions.GetJSON({   url : url.export,   });       //   // We have to modify both the 'effectiveShape',   // as well as the 'thingShape'.   config.effectiveShape.serviceDefinitions[serviceName] = definition;   config.effectiveShape.serviceImplementations[serviceName] = implementation;       config.thingShape.serviceDefinitions[serviceName] = definition;   config.thingShape.serviceImplementations[serviceName] = implementation;       // Finally, we can push our updates back into ThingWorx.   Resources.ContentLoaderFunctions.PutText({   url : url.export,   content : JSON.stringify(config),   contentType : "application/json",   });       // The end.
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This Javascript snippet creates a random value between those limits:   var dbl_Value = Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);
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This example is to achieve to update objects in Windchill thru extensions. It is really hard to find a resource for Windchill extension's services to take an advantage of them. So, I wrote a simple example to update objects in Windchill from Thingworx.   There are three data shapes needed to do this. One is "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids" which has only "value" field (String) in it and another is "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartCheckedOutDS" which has a "ufid" field (String). Last one is "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartPropertyDS" which has a "ufid" field (String) and fields for "attributes". For an instance of the last data shape, there might be three fields as "ufid", "partPrice" and "quantity" to update parts. In this example, this data shape has two fields which are "ufid" and "almProjectId".   In this example, this needs two input parameters. One is ufid (String) and almProjectId (String). If you need to have multiple objects to update at once, you can use InfoTable type as an "ufid" input parameter instead of String type.   Note that this is an example code and need to handle exceptions if needed.     // To var params = {     infoTableName : "InfoTable",     dataShapeName : "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids" };   // CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(infoTableName:STRING("InfoTable"), dataShapeName:STRING):INFOTABLE(PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids) var ufids = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params);   // PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids entry object var newValue = new Object(); newValue.value = ufid; // STRING   ufids.AddRow(newValue);   // Check out var params = {     ufids: ufids /* INFOTABLE */,     comment: undefined /* STRING */,     dataShape: "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartCheckedOutDS" /* DATASHAPENAME */ };   // checkedOutObjs: INFOTABLE dataShape: "undefined" var checkedOutObjsFromService = me.CheckOut(params);   var params = {     infoTableName : "InfoTable",     dataShapeName : "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids" };   // CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(infoTableName:STRING("InfoTable"), dataShapeName:STRING):INFOTABLE(PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids) var checkedOutObjs = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params);   try {     var tableLength = checkedOutObjsFromService.rows.length;       for (var x = 0; x < tableLength; x++) {         var row = checkedOutObjsFromService.rows;               // PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids entry object         var checkedOutObj = new Object();         checkedOutObj.value = row.ufid.substring(0,row.ufid.lastIndexOf(":")); // STRING               //logger.warn("UFID : " + checkedOutObj.value);         checkedOutObjs.AddRow(checkedOutObj);           /* Update Objects in Windchill */         var params = {             infoTableName : "InfoTable",             dataShapeName : "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartPropertyDS"         };           // CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(infoTableName:STRING("InfoTable"), dataShapeName:STRING):INFOTABLE(PTC.ALM.WindchillPartPropertyDS)         var wcInfoTable = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params);           // PTC.ALM.WindchillPartPropertyDS entry object         var newEntry = new Object();         newEntry.ufid = checkedOutObj.value; // STRING         newEntry.almProjectId = almProjectId; // STRING           wcInfoTable.AddRow(newEntry);           var params = {             objects: wcInfoTable /* INFOTABLE */,             modification: "REPLACE" /* STRING */,             dataShape: "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartCheckedOutDS" /* DATASHAPENAME */         };           // result: INFOTABLE dataShape: "undefined"         var result = me.Update(params);     }   } catch(err) {     logger.warn("ERROR Catched");     var params = {         ufids: ufids /* INFOTABLE */,         dataShape: "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartCheckedOutDS" /* DATASHAPENAME */     };       // result: INFOTABLE dataShape: "undefined"     var result = me.CancelCheckOut(params);  }   var params = {     ufids: checkedOutObjs /* INFOTABLE */,     comment: undefined /* STRING */,     dataShape: "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartCheckedOutDS" /* DATASHAPENAME */ };   // result: INFOTABLE dataShape: "undefined" var result = me.CheckIn(params);
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Sampling Strategy​ This Blog Post will cover the 4 sampling Strategies that are available in ThingWorx Analytics.  It will tell you how the sampling strategy runs behind the scenes, when you may want to use that strategy, and will give you the pros and cons of each strategy. SAMPLE_WITH_REPLACEMENT This strategy is not often used by professionals but still may be useful in certain circumstances.  When you sample with replacement, the value that you randomly selected is then returned to the sample pool.  So there is a chance that you can have the same record multiple times in your sample. Example Let’s say you have a hat that contain 3 cards with different people’s names on them. John Sarah Tom Let’s say you make 2 random selections. The first selection you pull out the name Tom. When you sample with replacement, you would put the name Tom back into the hat and then randomly select a card again.  For your second selection, it is possible to get another name like Sarah, or the same one you selected, Tom. Pros May find improved models in smaller datasets with low row counts Cons The Accuracy of the model may be artificially inflated due to duplicates in the sample SAMPLE_WITHOUT_REPLACEMENT This is the default setting in ThingWorx Analytics and the most commonly used sampling strategy by professionals.  The way this strategy works is after the value is randomly selected from the sample pool, it is not returned.  This ensures that all the values that are selected for the sample, are unique. Example Let’s say you have a hat that contain 3 cards with different people’s names on them. John Sarah Tom Let’s say you make 2 random selections. The first selection you pull out the name Tom. When you sample without replacement, you would randomly select a card from the hat again without adding the card Tom.  For your second selection, you could only get the Sarah or John card. Pros This is the sampling strategy that is most commonly used It will deliver the best results in most cases Cons May not be the best choice if the desired goal is underrepresented in the dataset UPSAMPLE_AND_SAMPLE_WITHOUT_REPLACEMENT This is useful when the desired goal is underrepresented in the dataset.  The features that represent the desired outcome of the goal are copied multiple times so they represent a larger share of the total dataset. Example Let’s say you are trying to discover if a patient is at risk for developing a rare condition, like chronic kidney failure, that affects around .5% of the US population.  In this case, the most accurate model that would be generated would say that no one will get this condition, and according to the numbers, it would be right 99.5% of the time.  But in reality, this is not helpful at all to the use case since you want to know if the patient is at risk of developing the condition. To avoid this from happening, copies are made of the records where the patient did develop the condition so it represents a larger share of the dataset.  Doing this will give ThingWorx Analytics more examples to help it generate a more accurate model. Pros Patterns from the original dataset remain intact Cons Longer training time DOWNSAMPLE_AND_SAMPLE_WITHOUT_REPLACEMENT This is also useful when the desired goal is underrepresented in the dataset. In downsample and sample without replacement, some features that do not represent the desired goal outcome are removed. This is done to increase the desired features percentage of the dataset. Example Let’s continue using the medical example from above.  Instead of creating copies of the desired records, undesired record are removed from the dataset.  This causes the records where patients did develop the condition to occupy a larger percentage of the dataset. Pros Shorter training time Cons Patterns from the original dataset may be lost
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This video is the 2nd part, of a series of two videos, walking you through the configuration of Analysis Event which is applied for Real-Time Scoring. This part 2 video will walk you through the configuration of Analysis Event for Real-Time Scoring, and validate that a predictions job has been executed based on new input data.   Updated Link for access to this video:  Analytics Manger 7.4: Configure Analysis Event & Real Time Scoring Part 2 of 2
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The following code snippet will retrieve a months worth of data from the system and return it as a CSV document suitable for import into your spreadsheet or reporting tool of choice. import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import* import com.axeda.sdk.v2.exception.* def ac = new AuditCriteria() ac.fromDate = Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd', '2017-03-01') ac.toDate   = Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd', '2017-03-31') def retString = '' tcount = 0 while ( (results = auditBridge.find(ac)) != null  && tcount < results .totalCount) {   results.audits.each { res ->     retString += "${res?.user?.id},${res?.asset?.serialNumber},${res?.category},${res.message},${}\n"     tcount++   }   ac.pageNumber = ac.pageNumber + 1 } return retString
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This is using the simplest structure to do a look through an infotable.  It's simple but it avoids having to use row indexes and cleans up the code for readability as well.   //Assume incoming Infotable parameter names "thingList" for each (row in thingList.rows) {      // Now each row is already assigned to the row variable in the loop      var thingName =; }   You can also nest these loops (just use a different variable from "row").  Also important to note to not add or remove row entries of the Infotable inside the loop.  In this case you may end up skipping or repeating rows in the loop since the indexes will be changed.
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How to input Database User Credentials at RunTime. This Blog considers that you have already imported the Database Extension and Configured the Thing Template. If you have not done this already please see Steps to connecting to your Relational Database first. Steps: Create a Database Thing template with correct configuration. Example configuration for MySql Database: jDBCDriverClass: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jDBCConnectionURL: jdbc:mysql://<DatabaseNameHere>?allowMultiQueries=true connectionValidationString: SELECT NOW() maxConnections: 100 userName: <DataBaseUserNameHere> password: <DataBasePasswordHere> Create any Generic Thing and add a service to create thing based on the Thing template created in Step 1. Example: // NewDataBaseThingName is the String input for name the database thing to be created. // MySqlServerUpdatedConfiguration is the Thing template with correct configuration var params = {      name: NewDataBaseThingName /* STRING */,      description: NewDataBaseThingName /* STRING */,     thingTemplateName: "MySqlServerUpdatedConfiguration" /* THINGTEMPLATENAME */,     tags: undefined /* TAGS */ }; // no return Resources["EntityServices"].CreateThing(params); Add code to enable and then restart the above thing using EnableThing() and RestartThing() service. Example Things[NewDataBaseThingName].EnableThing(); Things[NewDataBaseThingName].RestartThing(); Test and confirm that the Database Thing services runs as expected. Now Create a DataShape with following Fields: jDBCDriverClass: STRING jDBCConnectionURL: STRING connectionValidationString: STRING maxConnections: NUMBER userName: STRING password: PASSWORD Now in the Generic Thing created in Step 1 add code to update the configuration settings of DataBase Thing. Make sure JDBC Driver Class Name should never be changed. If different database connection is required use different Thing Template. Also, add code to restart the DataBase Thing using RestartThing() service. Example: var datashapeParams = {     infoTableName : "InfoTable",     dataShapeName : "DatabaseConfigurationDS" }; // CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(infoTableName:STRING("InfoTable"), dataShapeName:STRING):INFOTABLE(DatabaseConfigurationDS) var config = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(datashapeParams); var passwordParams = {         data: "DataBasePasswordHere" /* STRING */ }; // DatabaseConfigurationDS entry object var newEntry = new Object(); newEntry.jDBCDriverClass= "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; // STRING newEntry.jDBCConnectionURL = "jdbc:mysql://<DatabaseNameHere>?allowMultiQueries=true"; // STRING newEntry.connectionValidationString = "SELECT NOW()"; // STRING newEntry.maxConnections = 100; // NUMBER newEntry.userName = "DataBaseUserNameHere"; // STRING newEntry.password = Resources["EncryptionServices"].EncryptPropertyValue(passwordParams); // PASSWORD config.AddRow(newEntry); var configurationTableParams = { configurationTable: config /* INFOTABLE */, persistent: true /* BOOLEAN */, tableName: "ConnectionInfo" /* STRING */ }; // ThingNameForConfigurationUpdate is the input string for Thing Name whose configuration needs to be updated. // no return Things[ThingNameForConfigurationUpdate].SetConfigurationTable(configurationTableParams); Things[ThingNameForConfigurationUpdate].RestartThing(); Test and confirm that the Database Thing services runs as expected.
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Super simple widget that embeds the HTML5 audio tag, allowing MP3 files to be played and/or triggers by another mashup event.
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The following code is best practice when creating any "entity" in Thingworx service script.  When a new entity is created (like a Thing) it will be loaded into the JVM memory immediately, but is not committed to disk until a transaction (service) successfully completes.  For this reason ALL code in a service must be in a try/catch block to handle exceptions.  In order to rollback the create call the catch must call a delete for any entity created.  In line comments give further detail.     try {     var params = {         name: "NewThingName",         description: "This Is A New Thing",         thingTemplateName: "GenericThing"     };     Resources["EntityServices"].CreateThing(params);    // Always enable and restart a new thing to make it active on the Platform     Things["NewThingName"].Enable();     Things["NewThingName"].Restart();       //Now Create an Organization for the new Thing     var params = {         topOUName: "NewOrgName",         name: "NewOrgName",         description: "New Orgianization for new Thing",         topOUDescription: "New Org Main"     };     Resources["EntityServices"].CreateOrganization(params);       // Any code that could potentially cause an exception should     // also be included in the try-catch block. } catch (err) {     // If an exception is caught, we need to attempt to delete everything     // that was created to roll back the entire transaction.     // If we do not do this a "ghost" entity will remain in memory     // We must do this in reverse order of creation so there are no dependency conflicts     // We also do not know where it failed so we must attempt to remove all of them,     // but also handle exceptions in case they were not created       try {         var params = {name: "NewOrgName"};         Resources["EntityServices"].DeleteOrganization(params);     }     catch(ex2) {//Org was not created     }       try {         var params = {name: "NewThingName"};         Resources["EntityServices"].DeleteThing(params);     }     catch(ex2) {//Thing was not created     } }
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1. Create a network and added all Entities that implement from a specific ThingShape in the network 2. Create a ThingShape mashup as below Note: Bind the Entity parameter to DynamicThingShapes_TracotrShape's service GetProperties input EntityName. Laso bind mashup RefreshRequested event to that service 3. Create a mashup named ContentShape, add Tree widget and ContainedMashp in it 4. Bind Service GetNetworkConnection's Selected Row(s) result and Selected RowsChanged event to ContainedMashup widget Note: Master can total replace ThingShape mashup. Suggest to use Master after ThingWorx 6.0
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