Hi Antonio, Did you register the service in wt.properties file? Put it
at the last with some number that is not already being used. That will make
the service to start during MethodServer startup. If there is a problem with
your service, MethodServer won't come up.
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 6:24 AM, Villanueva, Antonio <
-> wrote:
> Ok, I have a table defined, a bean class and logic on how to generate the
> List of beans to display in the table. What I am struggling now is proper
> setup to use “getModel” tag in the table model definition, specifically
> “serviceName”.
> Page 13-31 says: *“**The name of the service class to use to get model
> data. This property is mutually exclusive with the queryCommand or
> statementSpec attributes. If this attribute is specified, then methodName
> must be specified as well. Arguments to the method can be specified with the
> addServiceArgument tag. The service class must either be a registered
> Windchill service or implement wt.method.RemoteAccess.**“*
> * *
> Following other services, I created an interface with my method defined and
> then wrote a class to implement that interface. In the getModel tab for
> service name, I called out the interface and the method name. I added a line
> to the services.properties as follows:
> wt.services/svc/default*/<fully qualified=" interface=">/*
> null/java.lang.Object/0*=<fully qualified=" implementing=" class=">/*duplicate
> Ok, then I get this error from the system:
> *java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: <interface class=">.new<interface<br/>> class>()*
> So, it looks like the table just tried to find the class called out in the
> service and look for a newClassName method to create the service and then
> run it. What I don’t understand is that the docs said I had to register the
> service yet did not indicate how. I also could not find a corresponding
> registration for any class used as an example for the getModel tag. Those do
> call out an interface class when an implementation of that interface in the
> same package.
> My class does extend ServiceManager and does have a new<classname> static
> method to create it like the PTC examples. Not sure what I missed.