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Assy. Notes with Auto. Generated Component Name (Creo 2.0)


Assy. Notes with Auto. Generated Component Name (Creo 2.0)

In a assembly drawing, is it possible to create a leadered note (ballon or otherwise) containing automaticly generated content such as the file name of the component?





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23-Emerald II

If you have a user defined parameter, you can display that using a leader note however you can not use a system parameter (limitation by PTC).


&part_number:att (or &part_number:att_mdl not sure why but they both work) if you have a paramter in the part that you attached the leader to called "part_number"

&description:att if you have a paramter in the part that you attached the leader to called "description"


Thanks Steve. I haven't messed around with user perameters yet. I'll give it a try.


23-Emerald II

Vote up the idea submitted before:

What do the :att or :att_mdl extensions do?

23-Emerald II

They will get the parameter that is associated to the model that the leader is attached to. So if you are detailing an assembly and for whatever reason you want to attach a note leader to a part and show it's description or part number or whatever parameter you have in that part, you create a note leader as normal and the note you add will be &parameter:att (where "parameter" is a user defined parameter in the part you are attaching to).


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