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Creo cabling: Connector parameters editing issue.


Creo cabling: Connector parameters editing issue.

Hello All,

I am facing issue with cabling parameters updation for connectors.

I have a 3 pin connector; with 3 wires routed to it for first three pins. But, for this connector the parameter "NUM_OF_PINS " is defined as "9".

Now, I want to redefine the Num of Pins as "3". But unable to do it as I do not have the logical input for this.

Is there any other way to define it.



creo error.jpg

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‌For me it updates but you have to close and re-open the dialog box to see the updated table


if it is not working for you at the moment, you can also try to write a short logical file on yourself. search the Internet, you will find a lot of examples how you write a logical file with editor.

Greets, Dominik

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