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This is a pretty specific question (and maybe a bug), but I'm hoping
someone has seen it.

I have a drawing with only one view on it using a simplified rep. This
rep excludes a number of parts from my assembly that are not needed for
the drawing. My assembly has family table instances and I can manually
#DRAWING MODELS #REPLACE to choose another instance and the new instance
regenerates just fine. "Just fine" meaning it doesn't regenerate the
parts I've excluded.

The problem: as soon as I try to incorporate this sequence into a trail
file, the new instance regenerates all parts of the assembly, even the
excluded ones, as if there was a master rep on the drawing. The only
rep on the drawing though is the simplified rep. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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Forgot to mention I'm on WF3.


Jim Weed suggested I try to *remind* Pro/E that I'm working with the
simplified rep before I replace it. I added the following to my trail
file and it worked:


Thanks Jim!

Now I've run into another obstacle with the same drawing. My simplified
top-level-assembly (A) is made up of 4 sub-assemblies (B), and each
sub-assembly is made up of part (C) - non-essential parts have been
excluded. Currently, my drawing has two models attached: simplified rep
(A) and part (C). I can get both parts to replace ok (using Jim's
suggestion for the assembly piece), then I "Save a Copy" because we make
one of these drawings for each instance in assembly (A). NOW THE
PROBLEM: If I open up the drawing I just created, part (C) loads first
and regenerates improperly because it should be changing based on some
parameters in (A) which is not yet loaded!

What gives? / Does Pro/E always load simplified reps last? / Etc?


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