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Extract splitline


Extract splitline

Hello together,

is it possible to get the splitline on an radius as a curve?

I use Creo Elements/Pro 5.

Many thx,



What your looking for is called a silhouette curve. It is a standard feature in the mold design package.

Not sure if there are any other packages that contain the functionality.

Not as a curve, but you can split the suirface there.

  1. Make a copy of the surfaces
  2. Create a trim feature that trims the surface, uses the draft direction plane as the split object and select the "silhouette' button on the trim dashboard.
  3. You can then chose one side, the other side or both to keep.

You can use the resultant edge or create a curve from that edge.

Copy the surfaces

Create a surface extrude that goes through the splitline.

Use the Intersect feature to get a curve where the two surfaces meet.

Hi Doug,

this one works verry well for me.

Many thx,


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