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Multiple positioning of an object


Multiple positioning of an object


In an assembly, I have assembled a component with multiple constraints. To change it's position I enable the constraint with respect to the position that I want the component in. The component rotates about a pivot and is driven by a diameter that is tangent to mutiple datums at different heights. I do not want to drive it by an angle dimension! What would be the best technique for creating an assembly drawing showing the mid position with the min and max positions shown in phanthom, in the same view?

Also, is it possible to create simplified reps or family instances using the different assembly constraint sets?


Using WF4

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Just in case it helps point you to a workaround: I've represented multiple positions of components in assemblies (for visual collision checking) by taking a copy of the component's surfaces, then applying a copy-paste-with-move to the surface copy.

Maybe a surface copy can be made to give the phantom display you're after...


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