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Sheet Metal Bend Radius


Sheet Metal Bend Radius

Hi all,

I'm working on a sheet metal part and need to change the bend radius on one bend from the default value. Currently, the part is set to use the sheet thickness as the default value. I've tried to create a relation for this one bend, using the entry d101 = 0.3, however, it doesn't accept it and keeps it at the default.

How can I remove the default behavior or over-ride it for one dimension?

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Too simple. I just had to redefine the bend and manually type in the value for the bend radius. Thanks all!


I don't know of anything that would "lock" in the default bend radius,
unless your parts are programmed to do that.

It's a config setting. Happily, I was able to redefine the feature and type
in a value instead of the default sheet thickness.

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