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IOT EDC Reference Benchmark - ThingWorx and Azure IoT Hub

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ThingWorx and Azure IoT Hub Benchmark

This Azure IoT Hub Reference Benchmark showcases the capabilities of ThingWorx and Microsoft Azure IoT Hub, a cloud-hosted solution backend that facilitates secure and reliable communication between an IoT application such as ThingWorx and the devices it manages. By making use of this third party tool, remote monitoring with ThingWorx has never been simpler.


In this benchmark, PTC verifies the reliability and scalability of ingesting data through the Azure IoT Hub into the Azure IoT Hub Connector(s) and ThingWorx Foundation. The preliminary version of this document focuses primarily on how the Azure IoT Hub’s capabilities modify and/or enhance the data ingestion and device management capabilities of ThingWorx.


Find the benchmark document attached here, and stay tuned for more reference benchmarks to come!

Version history
Last update:
‎Aug 21, 2020 02:18 PM
Updated by:
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