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Matrhcad 14 M020 'Worksheet Compare


Matrhcad 14 M020 'Worksheet Compare


Does the Tools/'Worksheet compare' function work correctly for anyone under 64-Bit Vista?

I tried it and I get the 'top' part of the results window o.k. (with the Different, left file only counts, etc.), but the area that should display the actual worksheets themselves is just a blank area.

Since I am a 'single license' user I am Persona non grata in the PTC world, so I was wondering if this works for others...




It did "work" for me on 64-bit vista, but was useless because it was too sensitive: I couldn't recognize important changes from trivial ones.

I do have maintenance support and one these days (maybe today) will put in a request for how to tune it, for example looking only at differences within equations, and ignoring differences in location.


On 10/19/2009 4:18:53 PM, gbohn wrote:

Does the
>Tools/'Worksheet compare'
>function work correctly for
>anyone under 64-Bit Vista?

>I tried it and I get the 'top'
>part of the results window
>o.k. (with the Different, left
>file only counts, etc.), but
>the area that should display
>the actual worksheets
>themselves is just a blank

Since I am a 'single
>license' user I am Persona non
>grata in the PTC world, so I
>was wondering if this works
>for others...



On 10/19/2009 4:35:32 PM, rm_ulrich wrote:
>It did "work" for me on 64-bit
>vista, but was useless because
>it was too sensitive:
> ...

I guess I don't know if I should be happy or sad that it doesn't work properly on my system 🙂

Were you using version M020 at the time?

Thanks again.


On 10/19/2009 4:46:13 PM, gbohn wrote:
>I guess I don't know if I should be
>happy or sad that it doesn't work
>properly on my system 🙂
>Were you using version M020 at the time?
> -Greg

Yes, but checking, it seems I never bothered to apply the patch to M035. I might as well do that since I've paid the money. I hope it doesn't break things!

By the way, in addition to support and upgrades, one gets to use the product on a second (i.e. home or travel laptop) computer, which is the critical feature for me, and well worth the fee. The PTC web site does not make it very easy to figure this out, or how to get the upgrade.


M035 has a memory bug. Once a sheet is closed, it continues to reside in memory (,99e#128573)
Corporate required us to stay on M030 after I confirmed the bug.

> By the way, in addition to support and
> upgrades, one gets to use the product on a
> second (i.e. home or travel laptop) computer,

In my case I use Mathcad for my hobbies, so this isn't so critical to me (O.k., they're not your average hobbies...)

I also have a bad taste in my mouth from my previous experiences with PTC. I bought the upgrade to version 14, immediately had a problem with print preview, and reported it.

Not to worry they said. This would be fixed in the next maintenance release. Fast forward much time later, and by the time the fix came out in M020, they had changed the rules.

When I called to ask for M020 (since they had promised me that specific fix which was in M020) support was now in a different country. As far as they were concerned it just sucked to be me.

Only after they decided to give out M020 to single users (for a while) did I get my original problem fixed.

But I'm not bitter... 🙂

Even aside from that, their past track record on what they decide to fix as well as how quickly they decide to fix it doesn't instill great confidence in me to be paying for the privilege... (Not to mention when new things sometimes get broken with the fixes).

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