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Hi All,
I need to change the client date format on the Integrity client, version 11.
Server Language is 'English (United States)' . Integrity has been installed in English.
On the client (e.g 'View Member History' window) dates are displayed in the format 'DayOfTheweek dd,yyyy hh:mm:ss'
while we need to display in the format 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mm:ss'
On what depend the client format? How can I change it?
Many Thanks
Hi Martina,
I am not sure whether this functionality exist or not but you can look through this article…
I will check more on this and get back to you.
Kapil Jain
Hi Kapil,
changing the Language setting on the client the format of the date changed as I needed.
I will do some more test. Thanks!
Regards Martina