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Hi all,
I finally found a way to plot e.g historical trend charts on almost any numeric item field inside a report.
It uses the open source JS libraries jquery and
All you need to do is download the files an place the on your integrity server (or anywhere else in your network)
The recipe attached uses <integrity server installdir>\data\public_html\JS\jquery as installation point for jquery, and
<integrity server installdir>\data\public_html\JS\jquery\jqplot for the jqplot plugin.
Feel free to change the location according to you needs.
The report recipy attached use the given computed expressions of IM to fetch the historical data into a html table, and a bit of JavaScript magic in the browser does the rest.
Hope you enjoy it, and feel free to post screenshots of your own reports.
I'm curious about our results
Thanks, Matthias!
This looks really cool. When I have some free time I'll try it out!
Note: some users noticed problems in the browser support for "jqplot":
I plan to post an updated version using maybe "googlecharts".
Hi Mr. Rump,
It's is looking quite interesting because i already worked on Jquery for Charts and Graphs but it is little different . I will implement this and get back to you.
Thanks for this information.
Kapil Jain
Hi @mrump,
I have all the jquery files for plotting this Trend Chart....
But can you send me some screenshots of Reports or Data you are extracting from Integrity if it's not confidential so i can get some idea and better understanding about your recipe...
I look forward to hear from you.
here's a sample report, using the recipe from above