Re: Import Autodesk Inventor file into Creo Parametric 11
1 Creo 11 supports R11 & 2008 to 2024
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165,086+Topics Creo 11 supports R11 & 2008 to 2024
@gstavrakis If you turn on "snap to grid" it seems to work, assuming you want to use grid type placement. You can also adjust grid spacing using grid params under draft gird. It likely depends on what you are trying to accomplish. When I turn off gri... View more
To use Drag Component, select the drag component button then select the component to drag (do not hold mouse button) and move mouse. Click mouse button again to release it.
I'm installing CREO to use CREO Anysys Simulation, when I start it gives a flexnet version error, I've tried all possible versions and I can't get it to work, the license is for CREO 11, as shown in the print
Hello, I am using Mathcad Prime On sheet 3 I am trying to call in column 2 (via data[i,2] in the first IF statement) which has a text name for the value. If the value equates to something in my IF statements, I want my program to calculat... View more
Mathcad Prime works fantastic on my laptop screen. When I drag the window over to my 2nd monitor it will no longer allow me to move the text or equations around and it shows a not allowed symbol. Does anyone have a solution for this issue whe... View more