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Adobe Reader Extra Font from Pro/E

21-Topaz I

Adobe Reader Extra Font from Pro/E

I don't think this is a big deal but just wanted to throw it out there.

Recently we have creating PDF's directly from Pro/E (WF3: various builds between M150& M200). We use the option to Stroke All Fonts so it looks like our drawing in Pro/E.

One of our users just changed the background color in his Adobe Reader 9 to one of the grays available. Edit > Preferences > Accessibility. Uncheck Replace document colors and change the Page Background color.

When he did that and opened a PDF created from Pro/E, the text that you see in black is doubled-up with the same text as white behind it and slightly to one side of the black text. Since the text is in white and nobody usuallychanges the background color, we obviously never noticed it.

Has anyone else found this to be true and do you agree that it's not really a problem? I have added a picture of if so hopefully it will go through.

Steve G

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21-Topaz I

Thank you to David O for the answer.

When the PDF is created, one of the options is to Add Searchable Text. That is what gets created for that feature. We will be discussing whether we want to remove that or not. I am of the opinion that we should keep it. I don't think it is a problem. I don't make the final decisions though so we will see...

Steve G

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