Example: Including Mass Properties in the Family Table Summary: This example shows how to use the analysis feature in conjunction with Family tables. Problem: You want to select an instance from the Family table by its mass. Solution: You can use the analysis feature to create a desired measurement (in this example - mass properties) and include it in the Family table. The following basic steps outline this example: 1. Open a part file and select the generic part to retrieve. 2. Create an analysis feature. In the ANALYSIS dialog box, do the following: � Enter the name of the analysis, bolt_mass. � Select Model Analysis as the type of the analysis. � Click Next to go to the next page to specify a parameter that you want to create. � Select Model Mass Properties as the type of measure. � Click Compute to compute the mass. � Click Close. � Under Result params, select the parameter Mass and click Yes to create this parameter. � Click Next to create a coordinate system as a result of the analysis feature. � Under Result datums, select the coordinate system, click Yes to create, and specify the name for the coordinate system. � Click OK. 3. Include a new parameter of the type Feature in the Family table. Select the analysis feature from the Model tree, and then select the parameter Mass. 4. To update the Family table, click Tools > Verify. Pro/ENGINEER regenerates the table and includes the mass parameter in the Family table. Close the Family tree window. 5. Open the Family table. Notice that the table contains a new column, mass (see the next figure). Now you can select an instance by its mass.