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Punch My Tube?


Punch My Tube?

Hello all! I am fairly new to CoCreate Modeling, and have a question for y'all more experienced users. I have a ""tube"" modeled in CoCreate PE, and need to ""cut"" or ""punch"" holes of various sizes around the side of it, evenly spaced. How can this be done? I have included a picture of the task I have started. I just learned how to wrap the 2d geometry on the 3d surface, if this is starting off wrong, let me know. -PW
Not applicable

The wrap around a surface method has drawbacks. It imprints edges onto your part, but it does not easily allow you to machine away the material in order to make a hole. You also need to decide what you expect your holes to look like. The wrap around function imprints edges into the part that look like they would if you imprinted the edges onto a flat sheet, then formed that sheet into a tube. A machining function will look like you drilled holes into the existing tube. If you want to machine holes, here is one way to do it. Create your workplane on the axis of your tube. Add your 2D profile. Mill your hole, then rotate the workplane about the axis and machine again. Continue as needed. If you want them to look like they were punched into flat stock, the the tube was formed, use the wrap around function to imprint only one edge. The create a workplane on the axis, and then offset this workplane so it is outside the tube. Project the imprinted edge onto the workplane, which will give you the correct elipse shape. Now mill the elipse into the part. Then rotate the workplane and do it again. Continue until done. For both methods, you can also machine just one feature in your part, then use the copy and paste functions in Modify 3D to create additional features.

Thanks for the tips Mike, I'll look into the pros/cons of these different methods! -PW
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