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RSD - Using Templates


RSD - Using Templates

We are looking to force users to create new design from a specified template
stored on a shared network drive accessible to all users.

Is there a startup setting to force this behavior within RSD?

Appreciate the help.


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5-Regular Member

As far as I know there is no way to "force" this. You can set it up so that RSD starts in the desired folder, and points to the desired template, and there is a checkbox that says "Use Template".... but all of this is easily changed by the user. I fear that this is an operational discipline issue... training and recriminations for not using the proper template may be your only options to force this behaviour.


In Reply to Hema Jatla:

We are looking to force users to create new design from a specified template
stored on a shared network drive accessible to all users.

Is there a startup setting to force this behavior within RSD?

Appreciate the help.



Chris Benner
Autodesk ® Expert Elite
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