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Stuck with Mechanism!! How to get Slot path as Motion axis for Servo Motor Definition


Stuck with Mechanism!! How to get Slot path as Motion axis for Servo Motor Definition

Could anyone advise me to define the servo motor so that I can assign a velocity value for the slot path? I have attached the screen shot; I can also submit the pro-e assembly if you would like. I am trying tomeasure the cylinder motion velocity and thus calculate flow rate based on the design requirement, which is the set velocity for the slot path.I would elaborate this a little more: Say if I could define a servo motor to move the "HANDLER_LOWER_GRIPPER_PNT" (which is a part of the "SCOPING TUBE") at a constant velocity of 12 inch/second through the entire path of the slot, then I would be able to put a velocity measure on the point: "CYLINDER_LINKAGE" and thus design the cylinder flow rate.

But Servo motor does not allow me to pick the slot connection as 'driven entity'. Another option I have is to select Geometry as driven entity, but then I will not be able to do Kinematic / dynamicanalysis, hence velocity can not be measured.

Hope one of the Mechanism experts could help me with this?

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