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text on a tube


text on a tube

I have not done this a long time so I really need help.

I am using WF2.0 and I need to place text on a tube. If my memory serves me correctly I used to do this with a datum curve wrapped on the surface of the tube. It seems like there was an issue with doing it as a projected curve if the text was wider that the tube. But wrap works fine

I cannot seen to find this functionality in WF 2.0. Can I please get some help in doing this type of feature for an assembly and for a part if they are different.

John Scranton
Sr. Designer
Ultra Electronics - USSI

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Once you created your Sketch feature with your desired text and used Wrap to place it on the tube. The next step will be.....

1. Select the Surface of the tube and highlight it in red.

2. Select "Edit" from the Pull down menu and choose "Offset"

3. The default mode of the "Offset" feature is the Standard Offset Feature. In the dashboard you should see the offset type as an icon with a small arrow pointing down.

4. Select the icon and you will see 4 more options. You could use the "With Draft Feature" or the "Expand Feature". I will assume you choose "With Draft Feature"

5. When you select "With Draft Feature", you can now click on the References option and you should notice the surface you pre selected is already in the "Offset surface sets" section. Below i you will see the Sketch section. Choose "Define" and this will take you to the standard Sketch dialog box.

6. Pick your desired sketch plane or you can choose "Use Previous" since you just finished sketching your Sketch feature with your desired text.

7. Now you are in sketcher. Simply use the "Use Edge" option and then select the "Loop" mode. Start clicking the Wrap feature that contains your text and the loop mode should capture the letters quickly for you.

8. You are done and can exit sketcher.

9. You will now notice that the Text has a couple of options for you to set. The offset distance from the tube and the draft angle of your text. If you do not care about the draft angle, leave it at zero.

10. Click the Green Checkmark in the dashboard and you are now done.

Hope this helps.

"Too many people walk around like Clark Kent, because they don't realize they can Fly like Superman"

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