Hello all,
We are having issues, where all of our cables are showing only as a centerlines in illustrate and creo view. This is a problem when we need to show cable routings. i have tried turning on all the model filters. I know our design team uses the cable module from creo parametric, i had them try to set the "display cable thickness" on from there end. then saving it to windchill, but no luck.
All of our Cad data is uploaded to windchill, which creates GDD(pvz) files that we import into creo illustrate.
Are we missing modules or is there something in winchchill thats causing this?
We are running creo parametric 4.0, Windchill 11.0 , Creo View Lite 4.0, Creo Illustrate 5.0 Professional
The setting to convert cables as proper geometry is actually in the recipe file for conversion to Creo View and not reliant upon the settings in Creo Parametric. Assuming that you have a worker that is converting the Creo data into Creo View PVZ files you can set it on the worker with the setting in the screenshot below:
Hope that helps!