The m020 version of the install guide shows the command line for installing CreoView Express on the clients as being like this:
start /w CreoView_Express_32_64.exe /vADDLOCAL="ALL"/qn
or this:
start /w CreoView_Express_32_64.exe /vADDLOCAL="ALL"/qn APPLICATIONFOLDER="C:\ptc\CreoViewExpress"
I did a search of the install folders in the load point and I don't find CreoView_Express_32_64.exe.
I do however find this file:
<loadpoint>Creo 2.0\Common Files\M020\install\addon\pvx32_64\CreoSetup.exe
Anyone done the install of the client side applications yet?
Also based on the command they give, I assume I need to cd to the directory containing that file first? Or can I fully qualify the path to it in the command.
David Haigh
Phone: 925-424-3931
Fax: 925-423-7496
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
7000 East Ave, L-362
Livermore, CA 94550