I have resolved my problem. I now include two tests inside of my menu load
hook function.
I check the window class and return/exit if class != "edit".
I check the window title and return/exit if title == "Event Log".
I prossibly could have gotten fancier/more elegant, but those worked, so
I'm done.
The size of the document was a red herring. It contained references to
missing graphics which triggered the event log.
Not sure if the Event Log window type changed or whether the menu load hook
changed or some other factor changed (maybe our setting for show / don't
show warnings/errors/etc. changed) but whatever it was, I've adapted.
And for posterity's sake, Clay, you were right about something else: Some
(maybe even many) of my menu / menu item tests only test the full menu
tree. For example I might say, "if Tools.Mytool doesn't exist, menu add
Tools.Mytool" BUT I don't ask whether Tool is there. Into my "For another
day" file as the top level fix fixed.
Thanks, all, as always. Happy Friday!