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Arbrtext ALD v12.3 - transparent object


Arbrtext ALD v12.3 - transparent object

How to avoid the below preflight errors in the PDF generated through ALD v12.3?


Transparent objects have been found

Page has no blending color space

Form has no blending color space


Accepted Solutions

Hello Siva

As we currently have a Technical Support Case open with your company for this behaviour, I recommend we continue this thread via the case.

How does this sound to you?
Please let me know if you are in agreement, and I will update the case with your comment above.

I can then also ensure you are CC'd in on all communication via the case.

If you are happy please set this reply as 'solution'

Kind regards



View solution in original post


Hi @Siva98,

Thank you for your question. 

Your post has not yet received any response. I am replying to raise awareness. Hopefully, another community member will be able to help.
Also, feel free to add any additional information you think might be relevant. 



Vivek N
Community Moderation Team.


To avoid preflight errors, the Template Developer must ensure the document is compliant.

The PDF notes errors with Acrobat Version is not equal to 4.0

Please note that Adobe Acrobat 4.0 is an outdated version, and ALD direct to PDF does not support it. The minimum supported version is Acrobat 5.0.

If compatibility with Acrobat 4.0 is crucial, you will need to publish to PScript and adjust the Distiller settings accordingly.

In case Adobe Acrobat encounters issues with 'Transparent objects' or 'Blending color space,' please avoid using these features in the template.

Based on a quick Google search, it appears that preflight can report these issues and may offer an option to "flatten transparency." This process converts complex transparent elements into a single, rasterized image to prevent printing problems. Alternatively, flattening the image before incorporating it into the document might be effective. Testing will be necessary to confirm this.

I believe from a Case raised with PTC Technical Support that you noted these errors did not occur in ALD 12.1, but started with 12.2.

Over the years, PDFLib has undergone numerous updates and changes, introducing new features and resolving issues. In earlier versions, transparency errors might not have been detected, but the latest versions now correctly identify and report these errors and warnings. Therefore, it's not that version 12.1 was functioning correctly; rather, with the updates and improvements in PDFLib, versions 12.2 and 12.3 are now accurate.

I hope you find this information of help

Kind regards



Hi Alexia,


Thank you for your response. When we use the same images in Adobe products like InDesign, this error is not appearing. Also, earlier, we used to create ps from 3b2 and then convert it to PDF by using Acrobat Distiller. This distiller taken care of these issues. 


But, now we are forced to export PDF from ALD to retain the Accessibility features. For which we should depend only ALD and not Adobe or Pitstop.


Please advise. 





Hello Siva

As we currently have a Technical Support Case open with your company for this behaviour, I recommend we continue this thread via the case.

How does this sound to you?
Please let me know if you are in agreement, and I will update the case with your comment above.

I can then also ensure you are CC'd in on all communication via the case.

If you are happy please set this reply as 'solution'

Kind regards



Hi Alexia,

That sounds good to me. I am okay with this as Solution.



Hi Alexia,


Any progress on this ticket?





We do currently have a Technical Support case with you regarding this question.

The case is currently waiting for your feedback.

Are you having issue accessing the details on the Support Case?

Could you please confirm if you are receiving the emails I have sent to you via the Case.

I have copied the details from the case below:
Over the years there have been many updates and changes with PDFLib where new features are added and problems resolved.
It may be the case that in much earlier releases, the errors for the transparency were not caught, and with the newer versions it is producing the correct errors and warnings.
It is not necessarily the case where 12.1 was working correctly and with the updates and improvements with PDFLib, 12.2 and 12.3 are correct.

I have consulted with the development team regarding the possibility of using the lower version of PDFLib with ALD 12.3. They have confirmed that this is not feasible.
As discussed in my previous emails, it seems that earlier releases might not have detected transparency errors. However, the newer versions are now correctly identifying these errors and warnings. This does not imply that version 12.1 was functioning correctly; rather, with the updates and improvements in PDFLib, versions 12.2 and 12.3 are now accurate.

Should you have any further questions I would recommend updating the case.



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