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Communication between Arbortext and Web application

Communication between Arbortext and Web application

Iam using Arbortext Editor 5.3 since last few months. I got a requirement to enhance User interface with more features (ex: Shuttle component).

I've developed sample UI application using ADF(Application Developement Framework) as per our client requirement and is running on Weblogic server.

I just want to provide communication from Arbortext to web application. I need to pass some information back to Arbortext from web application.

It would be really helpful, if you can suggest on this.

Is there any way to provide communication with other systems?


Hi Sambasivarao--

You could probably do this a couple of different ways:

1) You can "open" XML documents using a URL, which would allow you
to access many web services. If your web application can serve up the
necessary data as XML in response to an HTTP request, you could use this
to get web app data from Arbortext.

2) If you need something lower level, ACL includes functions for
opening TCP sockets for network communication. For example, search the
Help Center for open_listen(), and you will see an example of a simple
socket communications handler.



Clay Helberg

Senior Consultant


1380 Forest Park Circle, Suite 100

Lafayette, CO 80027

I should also note that if you're using WebLogic, I'm guessing you're also
using Java, which opens the door to native calls from jars put in the
custom folder. We currently use AXIS to take advantage of WebServices
hosted on a Microsoft platform, but going forward, I've started to convert
many of these to simpler JSON calls. The best part is there are plenty
of JSON libraries available for Java to save you from having to do any
manual parsing of web calls.

- keith

Thank you.

I can publish an event from our web application on button click. But not sure, how Arbortext can subscribe to the event and then act on that.

Our application is running on weblogic server & Arbortext is stand alone. How can we synchronize these two?

Could youplease provide more details on this?


Hmm, well typically, web applications work in reverse, where Arbortext
would make the call and get a response. However, if you're on the same
machine, it might be possible to just reference the aom.jar directly from
your webapp. (Located in lib/classes)

What do you plan to do with this topic ID once in Arbortext? I ask,
because working in reverse like this makes some assumptions that Arbortext
is running, a document is open and there's a valid location to place the
value. On the flip side, having a XUI button in Arbortext, say "Get Topic
ID", could instead invoke a call to your web app and retrieve the value


On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 3:53 AM, SAMBASIVARAO MEDAVARAPU <> wrote:

> Thank you.
> I can publish an event from our web application on button click. But not
> sure, how Arbortext can subscribe to the event and then act on that.
> Our application is running on weblogic server & Arbortext is stand alone.
> How can we synchronize these two?
> Could you please provide more details on this?
> -Samba.

Here's an idea.

1. Have your web application publish events as an RSS feed.

2. Write an Arbortext custom application which subscribes to the RSS feed.

3. In Arbortext, Java or Javascript, check the RSS feed for updates on system start or on user menu or toolbar click. Any event you find in the RSS feed which you haven't already processed you then action.

You didn't describe what you're trying to do with these events, but the other option is that you are trying to trigger a workflow process based on the fact that a new event has been published. In that case, the workflow tool (not Arbortext) should pickup the event and make a task for an Arbortext user to work on. The RSS idea might still work in that scenario too.


Actually, another idea just occurred to me: Arbortext supports a custom
HTTP protocol for launching a document. Search in the Help Center for
"integrating arbortext editor" and read the topic "Integrating Arbortext
Editor with web pages".

Your web application may be able to do something like this (via
JavaScript):"arbortext-editor:C%3A%5Csome%5Cpath%5C" + topicID +

Note that the path to the topic (the part after the colon) should be URL

Hopefully that will be an easier way to fire Arbortext from your web
application without having to define listeners, RSS feeds, etc.


Clay Helberg

Senior Consultant


1380 Forest Park Circle, Suite 100

Lafayette, CO 80027

Found few results with Search in the Help Center for "integrating
arbortext editor". But could not find a topic as you referenced i.e
"Integrating Arbortext Editor with web pages".

I am using Arbortext Editor *5.3*. Is it because of version difference?
Please suggest version to be referenced.

I've a doubt on "arbortext-editor:" keyword used in command.
Not sure, How our web application identifies the key word? But I didn't
tested this option so far 🙂


Those protocols are only available with version 5.4 or 6.0. If you have
to stick with version 5.3 for some reason, you will probably have to go
the port listener route or something similar.

If you can upgrade to a newer version that supports the protocol, then
your web application doesn't need to know anything special about it. It
is configured on the clients where Arbortext is installed. Arbortext
Editor registers itself as the default handler for the
"arbortext-editor" protocol, so client browsers should be able to do the
right thing with a link of the form
"arbortext-editor:some-url-encoded-path-to-xml-document". Note that the
path can be either a local file reference, as in my original example, or
an http link to a webdav server object.


Clay Helberg

Senior Consultant


1380 Forest Park Circle, Suite 100

Lafayette, CO 80027

Hi Clay,

We are planning to create proof of concept by using Arbortext 6.0. We
have already 5.3 installed in our local. I got trail version of 6.0. Can
I have two versions at a time?

I don't want to disturb the existing one i.e 5.3. Can you suggest on
this. BTW, there two flavors of 32bit & 64 bit Arbortext 6.0. Which is
the best option to test our usecase


We run two versions at one time. We typically modify the install path to
include the major version number. For example, we will install into:
c:\program files\arbortext\editor53

You may want to match your Java environment. Our "Enterprise Windows 7
Image" provisioned to each workstation/laptop is 32bit and out of our
control. We had to change our initial deployment from the 64bit Editor to
the 32bit in order to avoid a number of issues that started popping up. I
can't remember which modules complained, though, it might not have been
core functionality. Documentum integration, perhaps?

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 6:08 AM, SAMBASIVARAO MEDAVARAPU <> wrote:

> Hi Clay,
> We are planning to create proof of concept by using Arbortext 6.0. We have
> already 5.3 installed in our local. I got trail version of 6.0. Can I have
> two versions at a time?
> I don't want to disturb the existing one i.e 5.3. Can you suggest on this.
> BTW, there two flavors of 32bit & 64 bit Arbortext 6.0. Which is the best
> option to test our usecase
> Thanks,
> Samba.

Another thing, we have been starting Editor using batch files for a very
long time. If you are not already doing so, this might be the time to
start. Unfortunately, because we've been doing that for so long, I don't
remember whether and if so what about running two versions is eased by
using batch files. Just keep it in mind.

Also, if authors are likely to have both versions of Editor open at the
same time (as opposed to working for a day or a week in one version and
then switching to the other for a day or a week as projects switch in and
out of focus) then the other thing they will have to learn is that only the
first version of Editor started will receive edit or open commands from
Windows. That is, when an author double-clicks an XML file, that XML file
will open (or attempt to open) in the version of Editor that was started
first. Authors may need to be bothered by using File > Open or dragging and
dropping the XML onto the right version of Editor. Both Windows and your
content management system if you have one may also interact with this. We
are finding, for example, that a recent version of Documentum Webtop has
its own opinion of what applications should be given what filetypes and
seems to like Notepad for XML. Go figure.

Finally, it can be helpful in this case to add a (possibly non-functioning)
menu item indicating the environment. We do this for all of our
environments (mostly for my benefit, frankly, as most of our authors are
dedicated to a single environment) so I can verify that authors are finding
and reporting issues in the correct environment. It shows up in their
screen captures and I can ask them to find and read it if I'm supporting
them over the phone. Eventually they learn to recognize its absence as a
sign something didn't go right on startup.

See in-line comments.

Andy Esslinger LM Aero - Tech Order Data
(817) 279-0442 1 Lockheed Blvd, MZ 4285
(817) 777 3047 Fort Worth, TX 76108-3916


We have downloaded and installed Arbortext 6.0 from PTC site into local
machine. All the xmls are showing with arbortext icon. Seems to be, I am
reaching to target 🙂

Unfortunately, facing an issue while requesting license from PTC site.
Getting following error message while accessing License URL. Even I
raised a request with the help of contact us link. Some how, I didn't
get any response on this.

Without license, unable to open xml in Arbortext format. Can you help on
Tue Jan 29 06:05:58 EST 2013//
//An error has occurred////
//Please //contact us
<//and">>//and let us know
the time and date that the error occurred.//
//Thank you for your help in resolving this matter. //
//PTC Customer Service Webmasters//. //
Thanks in advance,

If the link below doesn't work then you will need to contact PTC about your problems.

Thanks Gareth.

Yes.We have SON/SNC details. We are working with license management team
on the issue.


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