On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 7:28 AM, James Sulak <jsulak@jonesmcclure.com>wrote:
> Hi Liz,
> I thought you might be running using that setup... I'll check that. I've
> tried it in two VMs:
> - I migrated an existing physical machine with a working copy of Arbortext
> 5.3 / Help Center to a VM.
If it's missing in this image, it sounds like the migration didn't fully
complete or something happened during the migration. Is there other stuff
missing in this image that is on the physical machine?
> - The second VM is a fresh install of Windows, and Arbortext is essentially
> the first application I installed.
weird - is the help center unchecked by default in a fresh install?
> Both give the same problem.
> Thanks,
> James
> From: Liz Fraley [
> nice text page with null pointer exception output.
> Has anyone out there running Arbortext in this environment (or any
> virtualized environment) run into this problem?
> Thanks,
> James
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