Hi Adepters-
I'm trying to find a way to generate a PDF that shows the change
tracking markup (i.e. "changes highlighted" view). I can do it with a
test document using XSL-FO, but unfortunately that solution won't work
for the project, because the real stylesheet uses Styler with some FOSI
source edits. Some data points:
* Adding the appropriate elements to the Styler stylesheet gives
the desired result in the Editor view.
* Setting $compose::changetracking=active works for every view
except the one I want: changeshighlighted. In other words, with that
setting, when I select View->Change Tracking->Original and compose, I
see the original version of the text; when I select View->Change
Tracking->Changes Applied, I see the text with changes applied; but when
I select View->Change Tracking->Changes Highlighted, I still get the
output as if changes were applied
* Setting $compose::changetracking=changeshighlighted does the
same thing, i.e. gives me output as if changes were applied
Has anyone found a configuration that makes Styler output change
tracking to PDF (without having to switch the engine to XSL)? If so,
what configuration did you use to make it work? Thanks.