Excellent, glad to see it's working for you.
Now, if you want, you can make a convenience function to make life a
little easier. You can make a file called reload_tagtemplates.acl in
your custom/init directory, and put the following code into it:
require tagtmpls;
function reload_tagtemplates() {
This way it's just one operation instead of two, you just call
reload_tagtemplates() and you're done.
And if you're *really* lazy, you can map it to a key using the map
command. For example, to make control-t do this operation, add the
following line to the end of your script file above:
map control-t reload_tagtemplates();
Then all you have to do is make your changes, get back into Editor and
press control-t, and it will reload your templates.
As you can see, a little ACL can make life a lot easier for you (as an
application developer) and for your users. I think you'll find that time
spent learning some ACL will be time well spent.