Lynn - I love that you're sharing these. Would you mind sending me the text
file versions? I'd like to put them on ...
On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Lynn Hales <->
> As I slowly start thinking about ‘retiring’ (and I’ll think VERY SLOWLY
> on that), I think I’ll pass on some of the little scripts I’ve put together
> over the years.
> This one I did a couple of months ago before I delivered a large (1,400
> page) document. It will go through and tell you if there are any elements
> that normally would have content but are empty. There are two functions
> in this package. One will allow you to select a specific element to see if
> there are any empty tags, the other will check all the elements in the
> document.
> I documented the first function and only those changes in the second
> function that differ from the first.
> How I chose to implement this is shown after the script.
> package empty_elements;
> function* empty_element*(){};
> function* empty_element1*(){};
> function* empty_element*()
> {
> o=*oid_first*(); #sets the ‘o’ variable to the first oid in the file
> cl=*oid_caret*() #identifies the current location of the cursor in the
> document
> count=0; #This will count the number of elements that are empty
> count1=0; This counts all the elements that are evaluated.
> eval " #this clears any previous text in an ‘eval’ output.
> #the two ‘readvars’ prompt you to decide if you want to show the context
> (where in the file you approximately are
> #and for you to enter the name of the element you want to search for. This
> line IS NOT used in the second function.
> readvar -prompt "Do you want to show empty element context? "\
> -choice "Yes|No" choice;
> readvar -prompt "Enter tag name: " name
> # the ‘while’ sets the limit on how long to search. Only while there is a
> valid OID.
> while (*oid_valid*(o));
> {
> $name1=*oid_name*(o); # this assigns a variable name to the name of
> each OID.
> # the ‘if’ statement compares the current oid name to that of the element
> you are checking
> if(*oid_name*(o)=="$name")
> #this if ensures the element is in the DTD or schema.
> {if(*oid_declared_tag*($name)=="1")
> { count1++
> #This ‘if’ skips over elements that are declared “EMPTY” in the DTD or
> schema and passes those have nothing
> #in their content model.
> #The counter for the empty elements is incremented AND if you chose to see
> the context of where the empty
> #element is located, the cursor is moved to that oid and the context
> string read into a variable.
> # Lastly, either the element name and context string or just the element
> name is added to an output window.
> if(*oid_empty*(o)=="1" &&* oid_content_model*(o)!=")
> {
> count++;
> if ($choice=="Yes");
> {*goto_oid*(o);
> cm=*context_string*()
> eval "$count. $name1 has no content. Context is $cm"
> output=>*
> }
> else
> {eval "$count. $name1 has no content." output=>*}
> }
> }
> }
> #This moves the oid variable forward through the file
> o=*oid_forward*(o) ;
> }
> #At the end of the ‘while’ this ‘if’ statement will tell you if there are
> NO empty elements of the name you
> #searched.
> if(count=="0")
> {eval "There are no $name elements with no content."}
> #This statement tells you the number of number of the searched element
> are in the file. Just FYI, but nice to
> #know you actually searched something.
> eval "Total number of $name elements $count1" output=>*
> #This returns the cursor to where you were originally in your document.
> *goto_oid*(cl)
> }
> function* empty_element1*()
> {
> o=*oid_first*();
> cl=*oid_caret*()
> count=0
> count1=0
> eval "
> readvar -prompt "Do you want to show empty element context? "\
> -choice "Yes|No" choice;
> *#readvar -prompt "Enter tag name: " name** “the tag name is not needed
> here, we are checking all elements.*
> while (*oid_valid*(o));
> {
> $name1=*oid_name*(o);
> *# if(oid_name(o)=="$name")** again, removed the specific name search.*
> {if(*oid_declared_tag*(*oid_name*(o))=="1")
> { count1++
> if(*oid_empty*(o)=="1" &&* oid_content_model*(o)!=")
> {
> count++
> if ($choice=="Yes");
> {*goto_oid*(o);
> cm=*context_string*()
> eval "$count. $name1 has no content. Context is $cm"
> output=>*
> }
> else
> {eval "$count. $name1 has no content." output=>*}
> }
> }
> }
> o=*oid_forward*(o) ;
> }
> if(count=="0")
> {eval "There are no $name elements with no content."}
> eval "Total number of elements $count1" output=>*
> *goto_oid*(cl)
> }
> First you will need to ‘source’ the script in some opening
> configuration. Once the file is sourced, it remains available as long as
> the Epic session is open. The next two commands I have in a third script
> that invokes numerous menu changes. The two lines here will add this to the
> right click popup menu. NOTE, this will not work inside a table as Epic
> automatically changes the popup when the cursor is inside a table. You
> can add these to the above script or in a separate file if you have
> numerous menu modifications (I have around 50 between the main menu where
> I add two new items and popup additions).
> mad :EditPopup 'Empty tag-specific' -cmd {empty_elements::*empty_element*
> ()};
> mad :EditPopup 'Empty tags-any' -cmd {empty_elements::*empty_element1*()};
> I found this to be handy when I found a numbered paragraph in my document
> with nothing in it. It is certainly easier than manually going through a
> document with over 75,000 elements that are expected to have content.
> Authors may not need this, but an editor or QA might find it beneficial.
> If you think this or some other scripts along these lines might be
> helpful, let me know and I’ll post some of my other ones.
> Lynn