Well it doesn't look as though anyone has had first hand experience since
Oracle has bought Agile with family tables and the Agile EDM package,
which used to be Eigner's.
For those who are interested, we have been using Agile since 2000, and we
have also been using SofTech's Product Center since 1997, but since PTC
dropped SofTech from their partner program, we decided to see if we could
place our CAD vault in to our workflow system. (BTW, SofTech's
ProductCenter started out as Workflow Technologies' CMS) So far it is
looking bleak, but the sales guy is suppose to get us in contact with a
happy customer that is using Pro/E, and Agile with the EDM package. We
just wanted to find out as much information as possible, because we have
heard rumors of other companies turning off the EDM package after having
bought it.
Thanks to those who responded,
Brian S. Lynn
Technical Coordinator, Product Engineering