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I just wanted to share this because I thought it was amazing! We took 30 pictures of a platewith an iPad running the appand a model was automatically created.
By opening the scene in the desktop version, I exported as an .OBJ file which could then be opened in ProE!
Interesting idea, but where is the Android app? I would like to test this on my Android phone.
Looks like you would still need to use another software to fit a NURB surface to the mesh (i.e: PolyWorks, etc.) before importing into Pro-E. Otherwise, you are only viewing the mesh file in Pro-E.
In Reply to Michael Jenkins:
I just wanted to share this because I thought it was amazing! We took 30 pictures of a platewith an iPad running the appand a model was automatically created.
By opening the scene in the desktop version, I exported as an .OBJ file which could then be opened in ProE!
I tried just using our lab digital camera and the desktop version but it was very difficult to connect all the points in the pictures by hand.
There must be something magical about the iPad version because it just created the model by pushing a button.
Yeah, good catch.
Seems like there is a lot of that digital communism going around now.
That is why I quit using Dropbox (which has similar terms.)
Someone also listed:
as an alternative...