ProM Users:
I just used the ProM Buckling analysis module and have some questions.
To my understanding, a typical buckling study first involves a typical
static analysis. From this, a buckling analysis can be performed using and
based on the original static analysis. This all seemed to go well.
Does anyone have answers to the following questions on this topic:?
1. The B.L.F. (buckling load factor) is the only relevant data derived from
this study and is indicative of the magnification factor of the P(critical)
required to push the model to the critical deformation producing buckling?
2. The von mises stresses and deformation data produced from the buckling
study is not accurate.
3. The higher the B.L.F factor the buckling study produces, the less prone
to buckling your model will be. In other words, a higher B.L.F. is better
if your intent is to avoid buckling?
Any light anyone can shed on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
Greg Saiter
ABB Inc.
Columbus, Oh