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Has anybody upgraded to Creo 2.0 for prodcution Yet?
Any feedback would be greatly appriciated.
I've opted to go forward with Creo 2.0. Only issues I've come up with so far is interoperability with CoCreate. Drawings also seem a bit unstable as dims and gtols seem to keep moving around on the fly. Also experienced lots of disappearing annotation and hung highlighting. Regen brings it back but it sure is frustrating.
Creo 2.0 just came out with revision M010. If you have F001 (or F000) loaded, remove this before you install M010.
I lost functionality when I tried the web update.
Appearantly PTC knew this but failed to provide a bold notice on the download page.
One problem encountered: one import file hidesany and new new datum planes and nothing will let them show again except when you highlight them in the tree. This is a problem with file, not the setup of Creo 2.0.