I have an existing 2x2 table with a repeat region relation
to calcuate the volume of a hose. The region is only the lower
left cell, the volume is shown in it. There is another value
that is manally updated in the lower right cell, out of the region.
This value is based on the volume so i would like to extend the region to
include the lower right cell to have that value update automatically.
I can modifiy the existing relation and show the both values
in the first cell. So I am confidant with the relations.
When I make a new the table to extend the region, the relations that
I cut from the modified table fail in the new table. They are the same
relations in the same drawing.
the relations are:
particle = P_volume / 100
the table parameter call is:
Is there a reason I can't just paste these into a new table/region relation?
Eric Henriksen
Entegee Engineering
Davenport, IA