I worked for a company that had used Unigraphics for 18 years when corporate decided that each operation division had to standardize on UG or Pro/E. The division I worked for was the only one that had both systems and most of the plants were on Pro/E. Also PTC had just cut a favorable licensing deal at corporate level. So, we switch, train 40+ users with 12-20 days each of Pro/E training and add Windchill PDMLink to manage the data. New products were designed on Wildfire, existing products were maintained in UG. 7 years after the switch started and 3 years after full training completed, corporate decides to sell the division. The purchasing company doesn't use UG or Pro/E but, you guessed it, CATIA V5. All the engineers were again retrained in CATIA. I had left the company after the implementation of Windchill and before the sale.
Thank you,
Ben H. Loosli