Hi Pro/Concept lends itself best to complex form and element studies during the early design stages of a project, i.e. perfume bottles, luggage, automotive seating, motorcycles etc. More geometric designs such as mobile phones, TV's etc lend themselves more to parametric design studies inside Pro/E / ISDX. Various types of 2D and 3D design intent and constraints can be imported into Pro/C, with export to Pro/E for 'underlay' use in production surfacing best as Wavefront .obj. For SLA or CNC rapid prototyping, check .stl / .obj file compatibility with the system being used. For very early design exporation, the 2D vector drawing tools are better than Illustrator (curvature plot is supported) and possibly better than ISDX (soft-point tangents can be modified) Overall, a very good and undersold package at what it does well, but the polygon-based modelling methodology can be too unconstrained for some, and the 2D paint / sketch tools within Pro/C are quite limited compared to Photoshop or Painter.