Video ukazuje některé z možností zvýraznění a výběrů komponent v modelovém stromě Pro/ENGINEERu.
(The video shows some of the options and highlight the choice of components in the model tree, Pro/ENGINEER.)
Well done Radovan!
For our members, I provided an English translation of your video title and description. I apologize if anything is lost in translation. My Czech is not so great.
"Highlighting and selecting the component tree modelovém Pro / ENGINEER"
"The video shows some of the options and highlight the choice of components in the model tree, Pro / ENGINEER."
Thank you for your comment Dan. Your Czech is probbably better than my English
I can prefer Czech language for all users in Czech Republic and the community Hezky česky
Well, thanks for you shall
how to Model Tree thumnails? plz..
Hi Lee
Move the cursor on the icon, not on the text.