1. Make your project live in d, T, H
2. Wave results in same style as d, T, H
3. Don't initialise L with one of the result, in other situations it will simply fail.
4. Theta is Theta and goes in Theta. Nothing wrong with what you did, but most confusing and useless and you don't have to define wild, just live.
5. Certainly nothing wrong with the utilities as their source is from Mathcad chevron, if you need some just plug the ones you need. That makes a long work sheet prone to fail between versions.
6. You want to stick with units, up to you but you don't have an export therefore no analysis done. The trick to plot is the most glorious idiosyncrasy you will see in Mathcad. Sorry if it qualifies their adepts, but Engineers work with Engineering formulas that are scaled/sized in the unit system and just need the "UserUnitResult" appended.
7. Try to make more work past the plot so it can be seen what more you are attempting.
Don't be short of description/tutorial, the project has no abstract. If you change style of work in every posting, I can't follow indefinitely. Do your best in that one for the remaining and repost, that means work past the the plot. Indexed subscript turn out very confusing [Hs].