Richard Jackson said:
One thing I would like is a more intelligent choice of contour
levels. If I ask for, say, 12 levels, I don't want them at, for
example, 13.23218389123, 17.289382738219, etc. Or give me some way to
force them to reasonable numbers. Sometimes it would also be better
if we could specify a contour interval, rather than the number of
contours. So perhaps we need three entry fields: number of contours,
contour interval, first contour value. Changing the values in one
field will of course affect the others.
I agree entirely. Its not difficult to write code to give (Z) levels
that are sensible (in twos, fives, tens etc. Also, we should be able
to define the boundary (X,Y) scales as functions of the matrix
indices that create the plot so we can control them computationally.