You have two problems (that I've found).
First, your matrix h does not have full rank, and so doesn not have a proper generalized inverse. If you try to solve the least squares problem that defines the generalized inverse, you get a singular matrix. The numeric processor either doesn't notice or doesn't care, the symbolic processor is a bit more finicky and tells you that the result is undefined.
Secondly, you are raising a vector to the second power. That is ambiguous as to meaning. It could mean the fot product of the vector with itself, or the matrix product of the transpose of the vector with itself, or an element by element squaring. The numeric processor (somewhat arbitrarily, and not really following normal usage), chooses the implicit vectorization option (element by element squaring). The symbolic processor takes it as a matrix product, and that fails for a non-square matrix. If you mean one of the former two meanings, write it that way. If you mean to vectorize, include explicit vectorization (works in MC14, not before).
� � � � Tom Gutman