In the tutorial 4-1 step 7, when I follow the steps to insert the vector operator nothing happens. That is the operator remains as the dot product after pressing the Ctrl(and)^keys. It also does not work if I select the operator from the Matrix Operator menu.
Vectorization is a prefix operator, and so you have to have the cursor at the beginning (left) of the expression you want to vectorize. __________________ � � � � Tom Gutman
On 8/17/2009 5:56:15 PM, Tom_Gutman wrote: >Vectorization is a prefix >operator, and so you have to >have the cursor at the >beginning (left) of the >expression you want to >vectorize. >__________________ >� � � � Tom Gutman
That clarification probably needs reporting. I think it was just as bad in previous versions (i.e. the documentation wasn't as clear as it could be about how/when/where to apply the vectorise, and like wise for its deletion)
Yes, but given the general level of usability I would consider this a minor point. Much of the interface seems to be designed as an IQ test, to see who can figure out how to use it, rather than to allow people to do the obvious and have it work as expected. __________________ � � � � Tom Gutman
Yes that does the trick! But you still must highlight the entire expression and make sure the cursor is at the beginning (left) for it to work. What was confusing me was I would highlight the expression and get the dot product operator blinking so I kept thinking that the operator would change. Very clunky.
Ah, vectorization, as always, is a unary operation that applies to an expression. It does not apply to, or change, individual operators. You cannot replace a binary operator with a unary operator -- that would destroy the expression. __________________ � � � � Tom Gutman