On 8/11/2009 10:28:46 AM, Theheadtwo wrote:
>Thanks Jean! it works
>perfectly :), I just had to
>save it as a MCD 11 file and
>it works, yay for the search
>function on the forum.
Hmm, I
>do have one problem though,
>the user will be entering the
>value with units (the bore is
>calculated from another user
>entered value), if there is
>some way to have it remove the
>units before it tries to find
>the value on the table that
>would work, or if I could just
>add values to the table.
>and I just have one more
>question, if I wanted it to
>round the up rather than down
>for the values on the table,
>what would I have to change, I
>imagine I'll be using that as
>well in the near future 🙂
Plenty of collabs deal and work with units, I don't. Repost the work sheet with your unit example. For the round up/down, you may have to use floor/ceiling.