On 11/29/2009 3:27:02 PM, adiaz wrote:
>On 11/29/2009 8:22:57 AM, rijackson
>>"Simplify,max" is documented.
>>"Simplify,min" on the other hand, isn't.
>You're right, thanks for the correction.
>Then, double simplify seems to be
>equivalent to simplify,max.
>Regards. Alvaro.
How would you conceive a "Simplify,min". Would it be a non-sense ? Assuming max represents the last (or max) step in the process of equivalent algebraic transformation of an expression, past all the implemented steps, it should go back to the the entered step, then where would a "min" outputs something if any one is already displayed.
"There are many situations where you want to write a particular algebraic expression in the simplest possible form. Although it is difficult to know exactly what one means in all cases by the �simplest form�, a worthwhile practical procedure is to look at many different forms of an expression, and pick out the one that involves the smallest number of parts".
"You can often use Simplify to clean up complicated expressions that you get as the results of computations."
"Simplify is set up to try various standard algebraic transformations on the expressions you give. Sometimes, however, it can take more sophisticated transformations to make progress in finding the simplest form of an expression.
FullSimplify tries a much wider range of transformations, involving not only algebraic functions, but also many other kinds of functions."
"For fairly small expressions, FullSimplify will often succeed in making some remarkable simplifications. But for larger expressions, it often becomes unmanageably slow.
The reason for this is that to do its job, FullSimplify effectively has to try combining every part of an expression with every other, and for large expressions the number of cases that it has to consider can be astronomically large.
Simplify also has a difficult task to do, but it is set up to avoid some of the most time�consuming transformations that are tried by FullSimplify. For simple algebraic calculations, therefore, you may often find it convenient to apply Simplify quite routinely to your results.
In more complicated calculations, however, even Simplify, let alone FullSimplify, may end up needing to try a very large number of different forms, and therefore taking a long time. In such cases, you typically need to do more controlled simplification, and use your knowledge of the form you want to get to guide the process."
From the MuPad web demo and the simplified function illustrated. it does solve for the integral function but only as a symbolic algebraic expression. The same Integral plugged in Mathcad 11 simplifies to Psi(z), a lot more interesting result. I have recollection passing it back to Stuart. You can try same exercise with "Simplify,max" and check if it results in Psi(z).
Psi(z): Digamma function for complex z.