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Hi all;
When I want to save dwg file from annotation module, I am taking following error;
I need help, thank you very much
Solved! Go to Solution.
The problem was due to different windows session. I dont take error in other windows session. Thank you for your reply. The lisp seems very very useful but I couldnt use it. I use 20.4.1 version.
Thank you very much
Are you saving with the save window from the menu bar? Or are you using a lisp file or typing in the a save command on the command line?
I use save command,
Is this a new issue? Or has it always been an issue?
I wrote a lisp file that will create DWG files from multi sheet drawings. It will name the file dwgname_sheet number. It will save it to a folder c:\working\out. If the folder does not exist, it will create it.
(sd-defdialog 'Save_sheets_to_dwg
:dialog-title "Sheets -> dwg"
:ok-action '(sd-am-save-all-sheets-as-dwg))
(defun sd-am-save-all-sheets-as-dwg ()
;checks for c:\working\out and creates it if it does not exist
(unless (sd-directory-p "c:/working") (sd-make-directory "c:/working"))
(unless (sd-directory-p "c:/working/out") (sd-make-directory "c:/working/out"))
(dolist (a-s (sd-am-inq-all-sheets))
(let ((sheet-name nil))
(setf dwgnm (format nil "~A" (subseq (docu::docu_inq_drawing_number_text) 0 (search "-DWG" (docu::docu_inq_drawing_number_text)))))
(setf sheet-name (sd-am-sheet-struct-name (sd-am-inq-sheet a-s)))
(sd-execute-annotator-command :cmd
(format nil "store dwg '/~A' del_old '~A~A_~A.dwg'"
sheet-name "c:/working/out/" dwgnm sheet-name))
);end let
);end dolist
The problem was due to different windows session. I dont take error in other windows session. Thank you for your reply. The lisp seems very very useful but I couldnt use it. I use 20.4.1 version.
Thank you very much